Page 17 of Forbidden
I rose, stretched, then made my way to the bathroom.
An hour later, I was dressed in cute black shorts and a red crop top. Even if I was poor for the time being, no one else had to know other than Zoe and our group of friends. I still had a closet full of designer clothes. Plus, Zoe and I wore the same sizes, and we often borrowed each other’s jeans and tops.
I gathered my phone and Gucci handbag, then stepped into the hall. Staring at Cole’s closed door, I pulled mine shut behind me, the click ringing through the silence. I narrowed my eyes and imagined lighting his room on fire with him in it. To my disappointment, my psychic powers were severely lacking, and the son of a bitch would live another day.
Tilting my chin up and squaring my shoulders, I made my way downstairs and to the kitchen. I halted when I saw Julia sitting on the barstool at the counter. I cleared my throat, waiting for the disapproving look from my stepmom.
“Hey,” I softly said as I headed to the refrigerator for something to eat. I removed the fresh turkey breast, light mayonnaise, and cheddar cheese, then grabbed the focaccia bread. My appetite had been next to nothing lately, but it seemed like it was returning. I had to fuel my brain to plot my revenge on Cole, too.
“Hi, hon. How are you doing? You’ve been scarce since your dad got home.” She laid her pen on top of an open notebook, her gaze full of compassion. Julia’s dark hair was angled in a bob, accentuating her pretty face. Some of her best features were her blue eyes and cheekbones, but I would kill for her facial structure.
“I guess it’s no use pretending that I didn’t screw up royally.” I rummaged through the silverware drawer for a knife and focused on making a sandwich before Zoe arrived.
“It was a shock, but not the end of the world, Shae. Your dad will forgive you. I know he laid down some consequences, but he was really proud of you for coming to him as soon as he was home.”
I glanced at her, tears welling in my eyes. “The worst part is that I hurt daddy and Ibrahim lost his job. He sends money to his family in Nigeria every month ... and now he won’t be able to. I screwed everything up.”
Julia slid off her seat and joined me on the other side of the island. “Do you want a hug?”
“Why are you being so nice to me?” Julia had never been mean, but she and I weren’t close.
“Because I’ve had my share of mistakes that had big consequences, Shae.” She tucked my hair behind my ear. “So has Samuel. Your dad tried to be fair, but he was torn up about it. We never went to sleep after he arrived home that night. Cole was waiting for him, then I woke up when he came to bed. He told me ... everything. We also talked about the stupid shit we did at yours and Cole’s ages. I just want you to know that you’re not alone. We still love you, Shae. Take the mistake and learn from it.”
My chin trembled as I hugged her. “Thank you. I want to make this right.”
Julia returned my embrace, then released me. “Get out of the house today and get some fresh air. It will help.” She offered me a kind smile.
My cell lit up with a message from Zoe.
I’m outside.
I grabbed a sandwich baggie and stuffed my food into it. “I’m going out with Zoe for the day.”
“Good. Have some fun.” She patted me on the arm.
I wanted to tell her that I couldn’t shop or have a spa afternoon, so I doubted it would be much fun, but I was just pouting. Zoe and I had spent tons of days together, not spending money.
“Thanks.” I pulled a napkin from the holder and walked toward the front door.
“Oh, Shae?”
I glanced over my shoulder at Julia.
“I’m sorry you had to get tangled up in Cole’s problems. Maybe stay clear of him for a while. He’s a bit ... moodier than usual. He has a lot going on.” Guilt flickered across her features.
“Sure.” I should have felt guilty for lying, but I didn’t. What was such a big deal that justified Cole killing someone and treating me like shit? Honestly, I didn’t give a rat’s ass about whatever issues he was dealing with. All I cared about was making him pay for what he’d done to me. I left the house and spotted Zoe’s red convertible. She hadn’t lowered the top, which worked for me. I wasn’t in the mood to try to manage my hair after it had been wind-whipped.
I climbed into the front passenger seat and buckled up.
Zoe shook her head. “Girl, you look sad as fuck.”
“Thanks, Zoe. Your pep talk is exactly what I need. And to think I was about to say that your yellow shirt looked hot on you.” I quirked a brow at her, irritated. I placed a hand on the door handle. “If our day together is going to be full of encouraging words, then I’ll pass.”
Zoe slid her sunglasses up on top of her head. “Thanks. The shirt is new. And I’m sorry. It surprised me is all. I mean, I know you’ve been in a funk, but I didn’t realize it was this bad.” She smoothed her white shorts, then shifted the car into drive and rolled out of the driveway.
My attention landed on the limo parked to the side, and my heart skipped a beat.
Zoe looked at me from the corner of her eye. “Don’t go there, Shae.”