Page 31 of Forbidden
“Know what?” My fingers tightened around the cup as I anticipated bad news.
A wistful expression twisted Julia’s features. “Cole left. He won’t be back, Shae.”
“I don’t understand. He lives here.” I massaged my temple, my defenses quickly building bricks around my aching heart.
“Shae, Cole packed last night. After he spent some time with Samuel and me early this morning, he moved out.”
I physically flinched as though she’d struck me. The hurt of Cole’s abandonment had carved out a hollow hole inside my chest. I could no longer fight the battle of emotions that ripped through me, shredding me into scraps of nothing. I thought things were changing between us after yesterday. My nostrils flared, angry at myself for being vulnerable. He’d used me, then stomped away without a word like a child throwing a temper tantrum. Zoe was wrong, I meant nothing to him, last night proved that. He’d also broken his promise to keep Daddy and Julia safe. I slammed my cup down in fury, coffee spilling over the edge. I knew where he lived. He might have left without saying goodbye, but no way in hell would I put up with his moodiness any longer. Mentally, I punched his face until he was black and blue.
I swallowed the lump of betrayal and lifted my chin. “At least I don’t have to share the upstairs with him anymore.”
“I’m sure you’ll see him at school, Shae. It was a difficult decision for him,” Daddy added. “He didn’t make it lightly.”
I stared at the floor as tears pricked my eyes. “Why did he leave?” Finally, I looked up at them.
“He didn’t say, but he did mention that you’re up to date on the circumstances. Honestly, I suspect the threats have something to do with it.” Daddy rose from his seat and approached the espresso machine. “Regardless of what you think, Cole cares about you, Shae. He always has.”
Confusion clouded my mind. Daddy had no idea what he was talking about. He and Julia had no clue what had happened behind closed doors just hours ago.
“He does,” Julia said, joining me. She took my hand in hers. “Cole isn’t good with his feelings, but I know my son. He’s worried and scared. He’s in new territory and needs space to make some big decisions.”
I clenched my molars, fighting the swell of emotions threatening to overtake me. “What does any of that have to do with me?”
“Everything,” Daddy wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him.
“You’re talking in code, Daddy.”
“I’m trying not to betray Cole’s confidence, but you’re my daughter, and your happiness means the world to me.”
I burst into tears, hiding my face in his chest and wrapping my arms around his waist. “I’m so sorry I messed up. I’m sorry I hurt people. I thought I’d lost you for good.” If anything or anyone had the ability to break me, it was Daddy. He was my entire world.
“Princess,” he kissed the top of my head before he continued, “just because I was disappointed with your choices doesn’t mean I don’t love you and want the best for you. Part of parenting is hoping I’ve done well enough that you want to make good decisions and are able to consider the repercussions.”
“We’ve all made mistakes, Shae. Just because the consequences are in place doesn’t mean we think any less of you. Samuel and I were actually impressed when you talked to him about it. You were honest and showed concern for Samuel and the business,” Julia said.
When my crying slowed, Julia handed me a tissue from the box near the refrigerator. I released Daddy and wiped the moisture from my face. “Thanks for telling me about Cole. I just wish he would have told me himself.”
“I suspect he’ll be in touch, honey. Try to give him some time,” Julia encouraged.
Frowning, I looked at her. “From the way both of you are talking, you know something.” I looked up at Daddy. “About Cole and me.” I gulped while my stomach churned, realizing I was taking a risk.
“We saw Cole change around you this last year, Shae. Samuel and I have talked about it. I’ve tried to ask Cole what’s going on, but he refuses to admit anything. However, we have eyes in our head and we’re not stupid. We know that Cole has feelings for you.”
“Wh-what?” My cheeks burned with the revelation. Cole had admitted as much last night, but the words coming from Julia were an entirely different game.
“Cole also knows that if he acts on those feelings, then he needs to be honest with you about what he’s lived through,” Julia explained.
Tension snaked between my shoulder blades, and I massaged my neck. I was well aware that we all had a past, but maybe Cole’s had crippled him in some way. At least, that was what I was taking away from Julia’s comment. “Daddy? Do you know what she’s talking about?”
He rubbed his jaw, concern flickering in his gaze. “Yeah. Cole and I have had some long talks.”
“About me?” I squeaked, embarrassed.
Daddy glanced at Julia, then back to me. Apparently, everyone in the family knew what the hell was going on … except me. “You, his background, and the threats. He’s a smart kid and he has some valuable people in his life. I trust he will make the right decisions.”
I snorted. “Those valuable people are a criminal biker gang, Daddy."
Julia grinned. “Do you know how Cole got involved with them?”