Page 5 of Forbidden
It was too early to get dressed for the party, so I selected a burgundy robe and slipped it on. Zoe would be here soon, and I couldn’t answer the door undressed. Not with the perv’s bedroom right across the hall. I sank my teeth into my lower lip as I realized he could watch me naked anytime he wanted, at least until I deleted the video.
Shit! What if Cole set up a camera in my room?Over the next several minutes, I frantically checked every light, book, corner, under the bed, and any other spot I could think of where he could have hidden a recording device, but I didn’t find any. If that son of a bitch had installed cameras in the limo, or had someone do it for him, there was no telling what he would do next. I hated that our bedrooms were so close together.
A quick knock alerted me that Zoe was here. Cole or Annabelle must have let her in. Securing the sash around my slender waist, I hurried across the room, then flung the door open.
“You got here fast …” Tension coursed through my body as my attention landed on Cole, and I forced myself to relax my shoulders. I would never let him know he’d scared me earlier. “What do you want?” I placed a hand on my hip and leaned on the frame, consciously attempting to appear calm even though I wasn’t.
Cole’s ice-blue eyes slowly trailed from my lips to my breasts, my stomach, my legs, then returned to my irritated gaze.
“I realize you’ve seen me naked, but please try to not be so obvious when you check me out.”
Cole’s jaw tensed, the muscle in his neck popping. I’d hit a nerve. “Didn’t it gross you out to see your sister getting fucked? I mean, what does that make you …” I placed a finger on my chin, appearing deep in thought. “Oh, a fucking creeper.”
I grabbed the door to shut it in his face, but he blocked it with the toe of his combat boot.
“Call me whatever you want.” He pushed his way into my bedroom, his expression stone cold.
I gulped but held my ground. Cole shot me a menacing stare. “Sterling texted me. He said that you’re going to the party tonight.”
Sterling, Remington, and Cole had basically grown up together. Anderson had moved to Washington from California. He joined the high school football team and met the guys a few years ago. Although they never got caught, I suspected they were in all kinds of trouble. “Yeah, and?”
“You’re not going. If I see you there, I’ll have you removed.” His eyes narrowed as he peered down at me. His wide shoulders shadowed my petite frame, blocking my view around him.
He’d changed clothes since I’d encountered him earlier. His black T-shirt stretched across his broad chest, his muscles flexing as he moved. My pulse stuttered against my wrist as the scent of his Tom Ford Neroli cologne invaded my senses. Out of obligation, I’d bought him a bottle for his birthday at the beginning of the year.
“You’re delusional if you think you can have me tossed out of Harrison’s party. It’s an annual event to kick off summer vacation. I’ve attended since I was fifteen.” I huffed, irritated at Cole’s audacity.
“Not this year, Princess.” Without another word, he spun on his heel and left.
I fisted my hands and groaned as he walked away, his designer jeans hugging every curve of his ass and muscular legs. If he weren’t such a fucking asshole, he would be panty-soaking gorgeous.He still soaked yours. I scowled, then quickly reminded myself that if I didn’t want obnoxious elevens when I was older, I had to stop scrunching up my forehead.
Stomping over to the door he left open, I grabbed the knob and prepared to slam it closed when Zoe’s giggle reached me. I poked my head into the hall, my mouth gaping.
“Look who’s all grown up,” Cole said, gently squeezing Zoe’s shoulder.
“I’m not the only one. Damn, Cole. Could you try not to look so hot?” Zoe asked, pushing her lower lip out slightly while she tucked a piece of her dark hair behind her ear with a ‘fuck me please’ expression on her face.
He flashed her a lopsided grin. I’d forgotten how beautiful his smile was because I rarely saw it.
Jealousy reared its nasty head, and I kicked the green-eyed monster to the curb. Why in the hell was I feeling like this? Cole had stomped all over any hope I’d had that there might be an ounce of goodness in him. I clenched my teeth together, pissed that I was having to call out my best friend for practically throwing herself at Cole. “Zoe.” My tone was sharp.
Her head snapped in my direction, and she appeared startled, as if I’d caught her with her hand in a cookie jar.
I waved Zoe into my room. Cole tipped his chin up before he tossed me a salute and walked away.
Zoe strolled over to my bed and dropped her brown Gucci duffle bag on it. “Damn, when did he get so gorgeous?” Zoe fanned herself, her manicured red nails catching the light.
I stared at her, befuddled that she was suddenly team Cole. “Just because he came home after his first year of college looking like a God, doesn’t mean you get to bang my brother.”
“Step, babe. He’s your stepbrother. And to clear the air, I’d let him lick and fuck my pussy all damned day.”
My nostrils flared. “You’re taking this too far, Zoe.” I plopped on my bed, pain shooting through my ass. Hopefully, I wouldn’t be as sore tomorrow, but that definitely wasn’t the case at the moment.
“Salty much?” She quirked a dark eyebrow.
Glancing at the floor, I answered her with silence. I would never admit I was jealous of Cole being nice to her because … I refused to admit it to myself.
“Hey, what’s wrong? You’ve never given a shit that I thought Cole was gorgeous before.” Zoe joined me on the bed, her doe-like eyes searching mine. Zoe was one of the most beautiful females I’d ever seen. Her long, black hair flowed past her shoulders, and she had a slender body with tits and an ass any guy would drool over. Not to mention her perky nose, and a deep tan I had a hell of a time getting myself. She’d been captain of the high school cheerleading squad for three years in a row, which was virtually unheard of, but she was that good. Her parents had put her in gymnastics and dance lessons since she could walk, but she had a lot of natural talent and a fun personality that drew people to her.