Page 50 of Forbidden
“Trust me. The motherfucker enters my thoughts multiple times a day. I’m not sure when it will get better, but at least he’s dead. That gives me some peace.”
Zoe’s shoulders slumped with relief. “Okay, I didn’t want to bethatinsensitive friend.”
I grinned at her. “You’re fine, but I love you for caring.”
“You know, you’re sleeping with a man you don’t have a lot of details about. That’s hot.” Zoe wiggled her brows at me.
I picked at an imaginary ball of lint on my shorts, pondering her words. “I know who he is. Dark and dangerous to the wrong people, but I trust him. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have let him touch me.”
“After what you’ve just lived through, I’m surprised you were up for some dick.” Zoe picked at her manicured fingernail.
“Me, too, but I was aware that it was Cole touching me and not anyone else. There’s no comparison to him. When I’m with him, I feel safe.”
“You’re tough. Even if the assault did mess with you, you’re bound and determined to not let Ibrahim steal your life or your happiness. You deserve to be with someone who treats you like the queen you are.” Zoe gave me a sweet smile.
“You, too. Maybe you’ll meet a hot guy that’s crazy about you this next year. The college campus is huge, I’m sure there’s someone there for you.” I wiggled my brows at her.
A wistful expression ghosted over my best friend’s face. “We’ll see.”
Zoe and I laughed and caught up with each other over the rest of the afternoon. I was grateful that Cole had asked her to come over.
A loud thud reached my ears, and a jolt of fear shot through me. I scrambled out of my seat and crouched behind the couch. “Get down, Zoe. Hardly anyone knows about this place …” I glanced at her, my hands trembling as my heart knocked against my chest, skipping a few beats like a car sputtering on its last leg. I wasn’t even sure where to find Cole’s guns if someone showed up. Fortunately, the living and dining room curtains were still closed. I tiptoed over, then sank to the floor, peeking through the crack in the panels. Relief flooded my system, and tears welled in my eyes. I steadied myself, then stood. With my hand on my hip and a stare that could kill, I flung open the door. “How long have you been here?”
Taco’s shoulders sagged. “Since before Cole left.”
Understanding clicked into place, and I tapped my foot against the wood floor. “I assume he wanted you to watch over us?”
His jaw tightened. The air around us thickened and closed in as I waited for him to answer. Guilt never looked so good on someone. “King offered me up.”
“Hi!” Zoe said from behind me. She stuck her hand out. “I’m Zoe, Shae’s best friend.”
Taco looked at her, and I wondered if he remembered how to be a gentleman, or if he’d been riding with the men too long. Finally, he slipped his hand into hers and gave her a lopsided grin. “Nice to meet you.” He released her, then glanced over his shoulder at Zoe’s car. “Sweet ride.”
She beamed at him. “Thanks. It was a graduation gift from my parents.”
Taco rubbed his chin. “Well, I’ll let you two catch up.”
“Try not to scare the shit out of us again.” I cocked my head before I closed and locked the door. Cole and I would definitely be chatting when he got home.
Zoe gripped my arms and gently squeezed. “I want to ridehim.”
I giggled. “I told you he was hot.”
“With a capital yum.” Zoe licked her lips, then her attention landed on something behind me.
“Since Cole didn’t tell you he was keeping an eye on us, we should drink some of his liquor, have some fun before he gets back.”
“I knew there was a reason I missed you so much.”
Laughter filled the house as we made our drinks, then turned on Netflix and binged the first season of Georgia and Ginny again. Even through the alcohol, I realized that the sun had set a while ago, and it was nearing ten in the evening. I hadn’t heard a word from Cole. An uneasy feeling nudged me in the gut. Something was off, but I had no clue what it was. Chiding myself for being paranoid, I reminded myself that Taco was outside, keeping us safe from the boogeyman. Plus, Cole disappeared while he was living with Daddy and Julia all the time. I just hadn’t bothered to care … until this evening. Ibrahim might be dead, but his boss wasn’t. I don’t think anyone knew for sure who was after Cole, either, which kept me in a perpetual state of anxiety. Whoever it was wanted him pretty badly, but why? And would he kill Cole?
* * *
I kicked the disturbing thought out of my mind and refocused on the show.
“Shae. Wake up, babe.” Cole squeezed my knee.
My neck screamed at me as I attempted to turn my head. “Shit. I must have fallen asleep on the couch.” I peeked at the other end. Zoe had curled up beneath one of the blankets I’d grabbed from the guestroom upstairs. “What time is it?”