Page 29 of Illicit Obsession
“Phoebe.” Teagan’s sobs echoed through the otherwise quiet room. “Why would anyone do something so horrible?” She walked to the side of the bed and wrapped her arms around me. “I’ve got you, girl. That monster won’t ever hurt you again. I don’t know how, but he will pay for what he’s done to you, babe.”
Relief flooded me as I hugged my best friend’s waist and cried with her. Keeping that secret, plus the years of abuse, had nearly destroyed me. When it became too painful, I would close my eyes and think about the only guy that had ever mattered to me. Those memories had kept me sane—barely.
Teagan kissed my forehead. “You need security or a bodyguard or something. Tell Theo the truth, Phoebs. He loves you and wants to keep you safe.”
I adamantly shook my head. “He won’t let me stay at Whitmore and I’m not leaving. I love it here. I’m finally settling into a schedule, and I feel like I’m home.”
Teagan’s mouth formed a big O. “Your phone. Has Peter been calling and messaging?”
“Yeah. I threw the fucking thing after his last text. A lot of good that did; he showed up at the party.”
“Fucking bastard. But how did he know where you were?”
My shoulders sagged. “I got scared and told him I was at Whitmore. After the big football win today, it wouldn’t take much to listen to students talking or follow the line of cars to the party. I partied all the time at the academy, so it was probably the first place he looked for me.”
Teagan’s hands balled into tight fists. “Why would you do that?”
“He threatened to share my secrets. If he did, I would most likely go to prison.”
Teagan’s mouth dropped open, then she slammed it closed. “He has some serious shit on you?”
I nodded. “It’s what he’s blackmailing me with.”
“I swear to you, no matter how crazy it is, I will never, ever turn you in. Babe, you need to talk to me, though. We can’t figure out how to get rid of Peter unless I know everything.”
Anxiety infiltrated my veins and slithered into every part of my body. It was too much of a risk to tell her.
“I can’t. It will put you in danger.”
“I don’t care. I’ll have my father hire a bodyguard for both of us. Plus, I’ll take your secret to my grave. You have my word.” She crossed her heart like kids used to in grade school.
Sweat beads formed on the nape of my neck, and my pulse wildly throbbed. I had always been able to trust Teagan, but this was huge. If anything happened to her, I would never forgive myself. From where I sat, I wasn’t sure there was another choice. Maybe her dad could help without Theo learning about Peter. However, Mr. Mercer and my dad were golf buddies, so I couldn’t take the risk.
“You can’t tell your dad, but we have to figure out a way to stop Peter. You swear on your life no one will ever find out what I’m about to tell you?”
“Phoebs, you’re my best friend. I don’t want to lose you again. The year I was at Whitmore without you sucked.”
Every cell in my being burned with guilt. My throat clogged up, and I heaved a sigh. “You say that now, but we’ll see how much our friendship changes when you learn the truth.”
It had been almost twenty-four hours since I’d checked on Peter. By now, his head would be messing with him, and he’s been wondering if he would die alone, tied to a table, or if I would show up again and offer him a grain of redemption. I wouldn’t kill him today, but he didn’t know that.
I hopped off my bike and removed my helmet before I scooped up the bag on the back of my motorcycle. Before leaving for the half-hour drive, I had packed food and water for the asshole.
The door to the abandoned building creaked as I let myself in then secured the lock behind me. Gunner and some of the MC guys had brought me here a few years ago. My uncle had told me we would return one day and use the butcher shop after finding what we were searching for. I was still waiting. Until then, it served a purpose for Peter.
My black combat boots scuffed against the cement floor as I approached. He was still tied where I’d left him. His limbs were probably so numb, he couldn’t feel anything anymore.
“You smell like piss.” I shot him a disgusted look. “Lucky for you, I’ll hose you down while I’m here.”
Peter looked at me as if I’d lost my mind. He would be correct in his assumption. “You’re going to untie me?” His voice scratched over my skin like sandpaper.
“Yup. I even have food and water.” I should make the motherfucker earn it, but I wanted him to talk, which meant he needed energy and something to drink.
I set the bag on the floor, reached into the back of my jeans, and produced the gun I’d taken from him after he knocked Phoebe out.