Page 5 of Illicit Obsession
The warm early-autumn air held a hint of a cooler night, but I didn’t care. It would be a great evening for a ride. I desperately needed to clear my head. We had a big game on Saturday, and I had to focus. Going pro was my only option to get the hell out of Oregon and leave my past behind.
An hour and a half later, I rolled up to the football training facility and hid my motorcycle at the back of the building. Only one person knew I was living here, and that was the man who had given me a key—Coach. When I’d arrived at Whitmore, I was working full time to pay for housing on campus, but my playing and grades were suffering because of it. Coach called me into his office and coaxed the truth out of me. Even though living in the locker room wasn’t the best situation in the world, it was a hell of a lot better than what I had left behind.
There was a full-sized refrigerator, a microwave, a coffee pot, a small television, and a twin-sized cot in the room connected to Coach’s office. Since the locker and workout rooms were all in the same facility, I had the use of the showers and bathroom as well. Nights I couldn’t sleep because I was plagued with nightmares, I worked out. All Coach asked of me in return was to keep my mouth shut about our agreement and kick ass on the field. It wasn’t difficult to agree to a roof over my head. Being safe allowed me to not give up on my dream of going pro. I owed Coach my fucking life, and I wanted to make him proud.
Once I was inside, I locked the door behind me and turned on a few of the lights. All I wanted was a hot shower and to crash. My ass was tired after two practices earlier that day. I’d hoped to blow off some steam with what’s her name, but the second I saw her long blonde hair, the gut-wrenching memories hit my chest like a fucking ton of cement blocks.
I dragged my feet to my locker to grab my dirty clothes, spun the combination to the correct numbers, then it popped open. My gaze narrowed on a black envelope with my name written in gold calligraphy. Frowning, I reached for it. The only people allowed in the workout area were Whitmore football players, but that didn’t mean the cleaning crew couldn’t have left the mysterious piece of mail in my locker. A small vent would allow someone to slip something into it without any issue.
I flipped it over on the back, then lifted the flap. Curiosity pumped through my veins as I removed the black card.
Jagger Whitlock,
You’re officially invited to join The Black Widow Society. This is a secret brotherhood for only a select few. Tell no one or there will be dire consequences. To learn more and accept, visit the website listed below and follow the instructions.
“What the hell?” I turned over the card, but there was only a big black widow spider stamped on it. My laugh filled the empty room, echoing off the walls and tile floor. “Don’t these motherfuckers know a black widow is a female that kills the dude after she gets laid?” I grinned as I closed the locker and walked through Coach’s office and into my adjoining room where I could chill and log onto my laptop.
Before I sat down, I stared at the butterfly necklace that hung from a nail in the wall. My heart curled in on itself in a vain attempt to protect me from the onslaught of memories that plagued my head about my past. But no matter how much it hurt, I refused to get rid of the piece of jewelry. It was the only thing I had left of Ari.
I stripped down to my boxer briefs before I sank onto the cot, the springs groaning beneath my weight. Setting the invitation on the mattress, I grabbed my backpack nestled in the corner next to my bed. I removed my computer, opened the lid, and waited as the screen came to life. In a few seconds, the website was loaded, and I watched as an animated black widow scurried across the landing page.
A figure wearing a skull mask and black robe appeared, then began to speak in a disguised voice.
“Welcome, Jagger. I’m sure you’re curious about what the society has to offer.” He spread his arms wide, laughing. “If you join me, you’ll have girls at your whim ready to divulge in your wildest fantasies with no strings attached. They won’t even know who you are.” He tapped the side of his skull mask. “More than that, Jagger, I can make your dreams of going pro a reality. However, if you betray us in any way, your chances of playing will be ruined. Think carefully before you commit. Pay close attention to the following agreement. When you sign, you pledge your allegiance to the brothers and the society.”
My heart pounded against my chest. Was this dude for real? He could help me go pro? In order to make that happen, he had to have connections somewhere. The wheels turned in my head, weighing the pros and cons, but all I could think about was what it would look like signing with the Eagles, Patriots, or any team for that matter. It had been my dream for as long as I could remember. Now, it was at my fingertips if this guy wasn’t messing around.
I read through the terms and thought about what it would be like to belong to a group where we put each other first and watched each other’s backs. Family. Other than my uncle, I didn’t have anyone else, and certainly no one my age. Years ago, it had been different. I had people in my life that believed in me, and I would do anything for them as well. We never questioned why. We were just there for each other. No matter how hard I tried not to depend on anyone, the craving to belong and find my people was overshadowing any concerns about the society. It had been a long ass time since I’d had that in my life. Maybe it was exactly what I needed.
With sleep evading me, I pondered the society’s invitation for a few hours. When I’d finally made up my mind and grabbed my laptop, I opened it to the website. Inhaling deeply, I e-signed my name. The second the imaginary ink dried on the agreement, the image shattered and disappeared. Only moments after, several member names appeared. Quinn was the first name I recognized and I chuckled. The motherfucker was almost as crazy as I was, and the fact that he’d already joined provided some reassurance.
The same voice spoke through my speaker and requested that I continue to the next page.
I did as I was asked, gawked at the information, then broke into a fit of laughter as I learned exactly what the society was about. Hell. Fucking. Yeah.
A loud noise caught my attention, and I nearly dropped my computer on the floor as I flew out of bed. No one should be here. Not even the cleaning crew.
Slipping on my tennis shoes, I hurried through Coach’s office and searched through the darkness as three figures dressed in black hoodies bolted toward me.
“What are you doing here?” I demanded, my fists clenching and ready to do some damage. Unfortunately, the assholes wore black ski masks that covered their faces so I couldn’t identify the intruders, which pissed me off even more. I attempted to dodge them but they had me surrounded.
Feet shuffled behind me and I attempted to turn, but strong hands grabbed my arms and forced them to my sides.This isn’t good.The stench of chloroform filled my nostrils as a blindfold was slipped over my eyes, and my thoughts drifted into the darkness.
“Babe, you look magnificent, if I do say so myself.” I blew a kiss to one of my best friends, Teagan Mercer, who was standing in the middle of my bedroom.
“Are you sure?” She smoothed her black hair before she flipped it over her shoulder.
“You know I’m not going to blow sunshine up your ass.” I shot her a pointed look.
Teagan covered her mouth, her giggle erupting through the air. Teagan, Everlee, Leighton, Gabrielle, and I had landed a cute house to share off campus. The second I’d FaceTimed my girls to tell them I’d been accepted to Whitmore for my sophomore year, and I was coming back to their side of the country, their squeals nearly burst my eardrums. It was worth it to see the expressions on their beautiful faces. I’d met my Fab Four when I was a freshman at Wahlberg Academy in New York state. We’d been inseparable until we graduated. They moved back to the West Coast, but I’d been forced to stay on the East Coast. Now that I was nineteen, it was time to strike out on my own, even if my parents didn’t want me to come home. Our relationship had been strained since . . .
My stomach churned at the brutal memories racing through my mind. Teagan crossed the room, grabbed my wrists, and gently pulled me off the bed.
“When are you going to put yourself out there and sample some of the hotties on campus?” She folded her arms across her chest, waiting for an answer.