Page 63 of Illicit Obsession
“Oh, you’re going to play it that way, huh?” Gabby teased. “That’s fine. We’ll find out.”
“My first guess is that it’s a football player.” Leighton folded her arms in front of her, staring a hole right through me.
“Why would you think that?” I struggled to hide my grin.
“Oh, I’m right.” Leighton laughed.
Everlee walked over to me then slowly circled. A creak in the floor above us made me cringe.
“Oh hell, he’s still here!” Everlee squealed.
“Shhh! Don’t terrify the poor guy. He’s not used to a house full of girls. You can’t just steamroll him,” I pleaded with the best puppy-dog eyes I could manage.
“Tell you what. Give us the deets, then we will scatter like little mice running from the cats.” Everlee’s brows rose with her suggestion.
Leighton’s nose scrunched up. “Mice? Eww, gross.”
Teagan lifted her chin. “I don’t know if I’m hurt or more curious about why you didn’t tell us about the guy upstairs.”
My heart dipped to my toes. “No one was around when we got home. I assumed you all were sleeping, then we made some food and fell asleep. We only decided to give a relationship a try last night. This is the first opportunity I’ve had to tell any of you.”
Hurt flickered in Teagan’s gaze. “I didn’t even know you liked anyone. The last conversation we had was that you wanted to focus on classes.” Her doe eyes widened. “Peter?” she croaked out.
She might as well have punched me in the face with her guess. “Hell no. Besides, he went back to the East Coast. He won’t bother me anymore.” I sure as hell couldn’t tell the girls he was dead. Although it comforted me, it would freak them out and they’d turn Jagger in. Not that there was any proof, but I didn’t want to put Jag in that position.
“Teagan, I did mention to you that there was someone. It’s just . . . Well . . . the guy upstairs is my . . .” I pinched the bridge of my nose, steadying my overzealous nerves. If I was going to tell them, I needed to start with the worst part. Dropping my hand, I bit my lip as my attention bounced between the girls, and I silently begged them not to judge me.
“You’ve not talked about anyone, Ari.” Teagan slapped her palm over her mouth. I wasn’t sure why she didn’t attempt to cover her mistake.
My lips pursed together with Teagan’s slip.
“Ari? Who the hell is Ari?” Gabby asked, confused.
I shot daggers at my best friend. Was she intentionally outing me because I hadn’t told her about Jagger? Furious that she didn’t even attempt to cover up the name, I folded my arms in front of me.
“If you ladies have a few minutes, I can explain things. Teagan, try to keep your mouth shut, will ya?” With that, I turned around and ran back upstairs. I burst through the door, startling the shit out of Jagger, who was sitting on the edge of my bed.
“They know you’re here. I’m going to talk to them. Are you okay joining me?”
Jagger stood, his shoulders tight with stress. “I’m sorry I laughed too loud.”
“They figured it out last night, I think. All four were waiting for me when I went downstairs.”
“Fuck.” Jag stared at the floor and placed his hand on his hip.
“I’m pissed at Teagan, but we might as well get it over with. It’s Samantha and Dad that don’t need to know for a while.” I reached out to him.
“Uncle Gunner knows your alive, too. But he won’t say anything. I trust him with my life and yours.” Jag slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me against his body. “Remember that I love you. The people who love and care about us will be cool about the situation.”
I gulped, hoping he was right. “Okay. Let’s go. Just smile and look hot.”
“I know the girls, Ari. It’s going to be all right.” He rubbed my back as he talked.
“Shit. I forgot about that. Maybe it will work in our favor.”
“Can’t say for sure, but I’ve never had a problem with them.” Jag placed a sweet kiss on my forehead. “If we’re going to do this, we need to get a move on it. Classes await.”
I blew out a big breath. “Let’s go then.” Leading Jagger out of my room and downstairs, we stood before my friends. Four shocked faces stared at us.