Page 87 of Illicit Obsession
“That’s all right. I’ll walk you to our room. You needed to relax.” I kissed her forehead, wishing I could carry her down the hall, but my shoulder was still healing.
We both stood, and I wrapped my arm around her before glancing behind me. “I’ll be back in a bit. Get ready to have your asses kicked in the next game.”
The guys continued to talk smack as I managed to get Ari situated. I suggested that she go to the bathroom, then get into bed. She crawled under the covers once she changed into sweatpants and a cute sleep tank.
“Thanks for taking care of me, Jag. I love you.” She snuggled beneath the blankets and fluffed her pillows. In seconds, her soft snores filled the room. She wasn’t going anywhere, and my conscience told me not to cuff her. I would check on her again shortly, but I wasn’t worried about her taking off with the amount of alcohol in her.
“Love you too, baby.” I pressed a kiss to the side of her head before I quietly slipped out of the room.
Relief flooded my system as I walked down the hall, ready to join the guys for another round of poker. I adjusted my sling, wanting to throw the damn thing away, but the doctor had said to wear it for one more week. At least I had physical therapy exercises, which were painful as hell, but my shoulder wasn’t stiff and seizing up on me.
I glanced up, stopping in my tracks as my gaze swept over the empty room before me. “What the fuck? Where did everyone go?”
“Gunner said to tell you they had an emergency to handle. Get some sleep, kid.” Cupcake drained his beer before he walked out the front door.
I locked it behind him, wondering what the hell had happened.
“Baby?” I reached for Jagger, my hand landing on his bicep. I smiled as I squeezed it, watching the love of my life sleep. His jet-black hair was slightly rumpled, and I resisted running my fingers through it. He was exhausted and needed his rest.
Muffled voices and laughter floated in from the living room. I struggled to remember how I’d gotten in bed, but one of the guys must have carried me. I blinked, trying to clear the haze from my vision. The world spun, and I grabbed my stomach in a lame attempt to control the butterflies. My legs and toes tingled, and I tried to touch my mouth, but my arm fell to the side.
Jagger’s eyes popped open, his steely gaze terrifying me.
“Jag? I . . . … can . . .” I attempted to swallow, but I was losing the use of my limbs. My lips grew numb, and my arms and legs were heavy.
“Move,” I finally managed to say.
“No.” He blinked a few times, staring at me.
Fear wrapped her cold fingers around my heart and squeezed as the bedroom door flung open. The hall light illuminated a tall, broad-shouldered man.
I tried to scream as he strolled into the room and I saw his face. One half was normal, the other severely burned, and thick scars twisted his expression.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Ari. I think you’ll be a wonderful addition to the family.”
Somehow, I managed a frown.
“I’m sorry, where are my manners? Let me introduce myself. My friends call me . . . Psycho. In your case, your angel straight from hell.”
* * *
I jerked myself awake, my head throbbing like a son of a bitch as I attempted to lift it. Before my brain could register what was happening, my stomach rebelled, and I puked all over the floor. Heaving, I tried wiping my mouth with my hand but couldn’t move my arm. My dream came rushing back, and I detected voices in the distance, and a whoosh of panic spiraled through me.
“Fuck! Fuck!” I looked around, scrambling to comprehend where I was. My attention landed on Jagger. His head lolled forward as he sat in an upright chair. His arms were tied behind him, and his ankles were bound to the front. At this angle, I couldn’t tell if he was breathing. Warm, prickly fear clawed its way through my chest.
“Jagger! Jagger!” I whisper-yelled. “Wake up.” I nearly cried with relief when he moaned.
“Baby, listen to me. It’s Ari. I need you to wake up.” No response. I stared at the cement floor, dread pooling in the pit of my belly as I saw two drains in the middle of it.Shit. This is bad. So bad. I tugged on the ropes that restrained my wrists, willing my frantic breathing to calm down so that I could think.
I focused, identifying a long table, a water hose, a tray of tools, and a gun. Jagger’s gun? A lot of good it would do us over there.
“Fuck. My shoulder.” Jag winced as he lifted his head. His confused gaze landed on me, then scanned the area. It only took seconds for the panic to register on his face.
“Jagger. I’m here with you. Stay calm.” It was a stupid thing to say, but the only thing that came out of my mouth.