Page 100 of Broken Crown
“No buts.No matter what he tries, don’t give up the location.Promise me that.”
“No, Creed.”She shakes her head, tears pooling in her eyes before spilling down her cheeks.“I can’t.I—”
“It’s okay,” I assure her, narrowing my gaze on her.Praying the connection between us is as strong as it’s always been, and she can figure out what I’m trying to tell her.
For months, we spent nearly every morning together, running through dozens of different scenarios she might face if ever taken hostage.
While we’ve never trained this precise scenario, I’m confident she knows enough to figure out the best way to free herself.
“You tell him, and we’re both dead.”I swallow hard, working at the restraints around my wrists as discreetly as possible.“This way, only one of us has to die.Plus, I should have died dozens of times by now.”I laugh through the lump building in my throat.“The way I see it, I’ve just been on borrowed time.”
“Last chance, princess,” Silas taunts, pressing the gun harder against my temple.
Regardless, I remain as calm as possible, keeping my eyes focused on Esme, praying to every higher power in existence that she knows what I need her to do.
“Five,” he counts, focusing his full attention on me, since he obviously considers me the biggest threat.
But I’ve learned you should never underestimate Esme.
As he counts, I notice her working harder at her bindings, the grimace of determination on her face growing with every second.When he reaches the number two, the zip tie snaps, her wrists coming free.
But even though I trained her to use the opportunity to make her escape, she doesn’t.I watch in horror as she jumps to her feet and advances toward Silas.Upon hearing the movement, he spins in her direction.The gun that was pointed at me is now aimed at her, his finger hovering on the trigger.
I launch myself off the ground, heart pounding wildly in my chest.With every ounce of strength I possess, I hurl myself at Silas.Despite having my wrists bound, I manage to knock the weapon from his grip with a resounding thud.I raise my arms over my head, about to bring them down to my sides in a decisive motion to break free from my restraints.
But before I can, a searing pain lodges in my stomach.It’s sharp and biting, like nothing I’ve ever experienced before
Esme’s screams fill the room, but all I can focus on is the knife protruding from my abdomen.
My vision blurs as I stumble backward and onto the floor, feeling lightheaded, the world spinning around me like a vicious carnival ride.Esme’s too in shock by the sight of me that she freezes.Her momentary pause is all the time Silas needs to retrieve his gun.I expect him to aim it at me, but instead, he points it at Esme.
“Watch out!”I shout, the effort causing sharp pains to overwhelm me.
She spins toward him, and a gunshot rips through the space a moment later, the sound reverberating against the walls.
“No!”I bellow, panic racing through me.Time seems to stand still, the seconds stretching, neither Silas nor Esme immediately moving.
Then Silas teeters backwards, a crimson pattern blooming on his shirt.
I blink, disoriented, convinced my eyes are playing tricks on me.That I’m hallucinating from the loss of blood.
But as Silas collapses, my father appears in the doorway, leaning against the doorjamb for support.
“I’ve always hated that arse.”
I chuckle, then wince through the pain.My dad fixes his expression on me, hitching a breath when he sees the knife.Esme rushes toward me, my father close behind.
“Creed,” she whimpers, her face twisted in fear.She hovers her hands over my body, obviously too scared to touch me.“Oh god.I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be,” I manage to say.“You did good.All those extra self-defense classes paid off.”
“I choked again.I—”
“It’s okay.”I lean further against the back of the reading chair where I once went down on Esme.“I’ll be okay.”