Page 24 of The Bratva's Bride
There was the switchagain, the iron door dropping between us. Her hands that had been gripping my shirt dropped down to her lap where she fidgeted with her fingers for a bit before snapping at the hair tie around her left wrist. “Was it what I said? Or was it something I did?” What had I done to trigger this effect?
It concerned and broke me to watch the strong and independent woman before me fall apart within moments. How badly were her demons to have such a hold on her? “No, well, yes. It’s nothing you did, and what you said was fine, in a way, just I didn’t think it would affect me like it did.” Her voice was cold and distant as she shut herself off again, just like the other day.
“Do you not like being taken from behind?” Everyone had their preferences, but there was something more than preference with her if this was how she reacted. Was it a bad experience? We all had our fair share of bad fucks, but this reaction from her meant something else.
“I don’t know. I haven’t... It’s complicated. I don’t want to ruin our night before it starts, maybe some other time. I also don’t want to talk about it yet.” She avoided it again, but I didn’t want to pry open a bad can of worms if she wasn’t ready. Whatever it was, it was her story to tell, not mine.
“I won’t push, but I hope you will let me in sooner than later.” Wrapping my arms around her, I held her for a moment, attempting to soothe her. “You really do look lovely in that outfit.”
When I thought she couldn’t get any better, she takes my breath away. Seeing her dolled up in a sexy dress tested my control so badly. I was still for the idea of canceling our plans so I could rip her dress off and ravage her body. Even now, my cock strained against my pants to be let out and buried in her hot walls.
Taking in a deep breath, I placed a kiss on her forehead before pulling away completely. “Go fix your makeup while I get ready.” I told her with a chuckle before making my way to the bathroom.
“Wha? My makeup is—oh shit, never mind.” I could hear her shuffle around. No doubt she saw her reflection in the mirror and changed her words. Her ruby red lipstick was smeared messily—a nice look in my opinion. I couldn’t wait to get her on her knees again and have her wrap those pretty red lips around my hard member.
Shaking my head softly, I pushed my thoughts back into the depths of my mind as I went to the bathroom. It didn’t take me long to wash up and throw on a clean navy suit with a white button up. Then, thankfully, we made it out to the car in one piece. Seeing her eye me lustfully made me want to ruin her lipstick again, and possibly her clothes. I almost went through with my plan to cancel our outing again, but she slipped from my grasp in the nick of time before I could capture those soft lips between my teeth.
The need I felt for Angel was intense. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so close to the edge of losing my self-control with any other woman. Hell, I don’t think anyone before her came close to making me feel the raging inferno of lust by just being in the same room as me.
I’m a man with needs, and I’ve had my fair share of bed partners. Yet, I’ve never felt such a spark with anyone but Angel. It wasn’t even a spark at this point, just an electrifying feeling that went straight to my nether regions. Angel started to make me lose myself. Just seeing her fucked out face the other day made me want to bust another load at the sight of her. She made me feel like my teenage self discovering porn for the first time.
Fuck, I must have done something right for the heavens to reward me with such a lovely wife.
The lovely wife who remained concerningly quiet in the car, staring out the window seemingly deep in thought. “Something on your mind darling?” I asked, reaching over with one hand and placing it on her thigh.
“Hm? Just wondering where you’re taking us, you just told me dinner and to dress nice and fancy.” Her attention turned towards me when she spoke, and her body shifted into my touch.
Smirking, I glanced at her for a quick second as I slipped my hand under her dress. “Then there would be no point in it being a surprise. Don’t worry yourself too much, I have a lot planned for tonight besides dinner and taking you to bed later. Just enjoy yourself, you deserve it.” In all honesty, she deserved so much more. She deserved the simple life she desired so much, and I wish I could give that to her. But I can’t. Not fully at least. Nothing about us was simple, that was a hard and sad fact.
Slowly, I rubbed her inner thigh, squeezing softly when she let out a sigh of pleasure. “Open your legs more.” It was at least a half an hour drive into the heart of the city from the estate, and nearly another fifteen to the restaurant. No harm in having some fun.
“No.” She defied me with confidently with a smirk I caught when I tore my attention away from the road briefly.
“Lisichka, if I have to repeat myself then that pretty ass of yours is going to pay the price tonight. Now, open your legs.” There was an edge to my voice to let her know I wasn’t playing nice. I wanted to feel her, and I wanted it now.
I could feel the defiant energy roll off of her as she giggled and remained firm in her seat. “Oh? What are you going to do? Bend me over your knee and spank me?” As if to egg me on, she closed her legs tightly, crossing them and clamping my hand between her plush thighs. And I can picture her cocky little smirk clearly as I kept my eyes on the road.
“It’s not going to be the fun spanking that you are thinking of,lisichka. Your little act has already racked you up ten for tonight, and if you keep pushing my buttons enough then it will be more than my hand marking that sweet bottom of yours.” My grip on her thigh tightened, my fingers digging into her soft flesh. “Open them. Now.”
“You’re not the boss of me.” She bit back confidently, making me smirk at her spunk.
The damn brat.
“You’re right. I’m not your boss.” The temptation to pull over to the side of the road and pull her out of her seat got hard to resist.
“I’m your fucking husband.”