Page 33 of The Bratva's Bride
Ispent a good whilestanding at the window watching my sexy little Angel enjoy herself down below before sitting down at my desk to get some work done before the meeting with Ivan Petrov, a leader of a small upcoming mafia.
Although, the temptation to march myself down there and glue myself to Angel’s side was hard to resist. Especially at the thought of how other men were having their beady little eyes and disgusting hands on her.
My possessive side wanted nothing more than to join Angel on the dancefloor, make her dance against me before claiming her lips voraciously for everyone to see she was taken. I wanted the whole damn place—no, the whole world—to see she belonged to me.
God I wanted nothing more than to rip the hands off of those men who I saw grabbing at Angel’s hips for a dance.
I nearly did act on the thought if it weren’t for Angel handling herself. Seeing my little vixen bite back amused and reassured me. She made it damn clear she didn’t want to be touched. The unwanted hands were harshly thrown away by Angel, some got a good hit if they didn’t get the hint with the first warning.
About an hour went by before Ivan showed up with his own guards in tow and a blonde-haired woman and man, both looking to be in their thirty’s. “Hello, you must be Nikolai, I am Ivan and this is my daughter,” he gestures towards the female, “Natalia. And my son,” his head turns towards the man on his left, “Nikita.”
With a friendly smile, I greet them with firm handshakes. “Hello, nice to meet you all. This is my brother, Stepan. He’ll be joining us for the meeting as well.” Stepan was always involved in every meeting. Both him and I were good at reading people, so I always trusted him to pick up what I missed. Also, though I rarely admit it out loud, he has better social skills than me, and a bit more brains.
“Please, have a seat and we can get started.” I gestured at the couches as I took a seat at the armchair with Stepan standing next to me.
I waited until everyone was settled before starting some small talk to get a good setting in place before bringing up the subject of the meeting. “So, you are wanting my assistance in protecting your product?”
“Yes. You see, we are finally starting to expand, and our enemies have started to see us as a threat. We thought it would be fine, some vandalism of our goods here and there, not too much loss in profit, at first. Things the past few months have been very rough. Our ports and warehouses need extra protection against our enemies. We have been having nearly everything coming in or staying within our storage taken from us. We just need some extra manpower from someone strong and formidable to aid us for a few months.” Ivan confessed with a heavy sigh.
“And how do we know you can afford our services if you are not able to keep up with your profit? How do we know that our protection means that your products will be successful at gaining profit? That the net gain will meet and exceed your current threshold? I wouldn’t want to waste your time or mine if the profits aren’t going to gain their traction and exceed expectations.” I could probably afford to not have their money in my pocket, but if it was an easy enough job then who am I to decline easy money? Still, I have to see if it was even something worth the time and effort.
“Our products are the best on the street right now, and we are the only ones able to provide it. So, once we can push it back out then our profits will rise back up at a substantial rate. The gangs that have stolen from us have been trying to stretch what they have, diminishing its quality and value. Once people see that the real product is back, they will return to it.” Ivan sounded confident, and if what he said is true then I can see why. If he had monopolized and no one has been able to replicate so far, then his profits would sail through the roof once he gained his traction again.
“What is that you push?” Stepan questioned, having stayed silent so far.
“LSD, pure and good stuff, not the typical ones you find on the street. I have a team of chemists who make it out of state and transport them here to me. Ever since I started dealing with LSD, people have been flocking my dealers for mine because of how it stacks against what else is around. What the competition has is nothing compared to mine.” Ivan replied honestly and proudly with a confident smile.
He wasn’t lying, but my gut told me there was more.
“We also deal other drugs, but our LSD is our main bread.” Ivan added.
Still, there was something amiss, but what?