Page 36 of The Bratva's Bride
The moment the doors to his office shut, Nikolai spun me around and cupped my face gently, “I’m starting to regret not going forward with my threats.” Then, his eyes went down to my arm where the indentations of Igor’s fingers were starting to fade into bruises. Nikolai brushed the area softly with his fingers before leaning down and kissing my forehead. “Do they hurt?”
“Not too much, it’s easy to ignore them. But I don’t like him, Ivan I mean. I also feel like I’ve seen him before.” I felt uneasy around the man, not fearful but wary.
“I don’t like him either. I mean, business is business, but at the same time, you and I both know that his profits are going to be pocket change for us.” Stepan’s words and attention were directed at Nikolai who looked at his brother for a thoughtful moment.
“Something isn’t right with him, and I want to know what it is. I have a feeling they are up to more than they told us.” Nikolai agreed with a deep sigh. “I usually wouldn’t bother with small fry like them, but if what they are doing starts affecting our business, I want to stop it before it spreads too far.”
“Angel, you said he looks familiar?” Stepan asked, turning his attention to me.
“Yeah, I’ve seen him in triad territory before I think. He kind of looks like a lot of other people too though, but still.” There was a nagging feeling clawing its way up to the surface that told me it was him. I believe I’ve seen him loitering around triad territory and not some other older looking Russian man.
“He might have gone to the triad first for a request of protection?” Stepan suggested a plausible idea.
Humming softly, I shook my head, “No, that’s not something the triad deals in, everyone knows that. We don’t ever offer protection like that unless it’s some kind of favor to someone who is deep in our pockets.”
Pausing for a moment, I chewed at my bottom lip softly, running through some brief possibilities in my mind. “Unless he offered more than money in return, but we are already at the top of the drug game in our area. I really can’t think of a reason as to why he would want to or be in business with the triad. I’m going to ask around though, to see if there was something that wasn’t reported to me.”
I couldn’t see a reason for Ivan to be in business with the triad for the reasons listed. Was there something going on I was unaware about? It was highly possible, and I hated the possibility of it. There was already a lot going on I was unaware about, and it got out of my hands faster than I would like.
“What I really don’t understand is his willingness even though we’re practically robbing him of his profits. I didn’t expect him to agree to that forty-percent cut because honestly, that’s steep. Factoring into account that he has to divvy up the rest of that six-percent, there’s no way that’s enough for him to keep men employed under him, and I doubt he can afford to cut his manpower right now.” Stepan pointed out what I thought, and no doubt what Nikolai thought as well. “Then the fact that he was willing to give up his son like that. I mean, yeah, there are shitty fathers, but still, for a little over half the profit and less men from us?”
“No, there is something going on, which is why I’m even entertaining a deal with him. We can easily get our men behind his lines with the deal and get eyes on everything. I know a rat when I see and smell one. In the meanwhile, I want you to tell Arseny to dig up what he can about Ivan.” Nikolai had this air of power around him when he spoke, something I’ve noticed over the past few days whenever words were exchanged between him and another.
“We’ll look into Ivan some more, dig up all we can about him. You and Angel go home for the night, I’ll wrap things up here.” Stepan told Nikolai, patting his brother on the shoulder.
“Wait, what about my friends? Shit, they don’t know where I went.” They were probably trying to tear up the club right now looking for me. I didn’t have my phone on me either because I had left it with one of the boys to hold since they had pockets.
“Someone will fetch them and take them home safely, don’t worry.” Stepan assured me with a soft chuckle. “I’ll see to it myself personally, don’t worry. You two just go home for the night.”
“Come here!” Nikolai’splayful growl made me squeal as I ducked away from his grab.
“No! I told you I was sorry!” I shouted while running up the stairs, not daring to look back at my husband whose footsteps weren’t far behind.
“You and I both know that is bullshit, so quit running or it will be the belt tonight.” His threat only spurred me on more.
If I could get to the room before him then maybe I could lock him out. Maybe after one night he’ll forget about punishing me. It was very wishful thinking because the practical side of me knew this would only make the punishment worse.
The sight of the bedroom door gave me a sense of false hope that I would get away scot-free. Unfortunately, it was short lived. I barely registered the feeling of the back of my neck being grabbed before I found myself pressed against the wall, and the feeling of panic ensuing as I felt Nikolai’s sturdy body pinning me to the hard surface. “Kolya, turn me around, please.” I sounded pathetic with how urgent and panicked my voice came out.
Instantly, my body was turned around and the impending anxiety attack retreated. “You’re safe with me,lisichka.” He assured me sweetly as he softly held my neck in his hand.
“Says the person who’s about to beat my ass.” I remarked snidely with a roll of my eyes.
I knew I could trust him wholeheartedly. One look in his eyes and I could see a certain warmth towards me. If I had any control over my mind then I would will the trauma away in an instant, but my scars ran too deep for me to forgo them easily. Hell, I couldn’t even work myself up to tell him the full truth like the strong woman I had built myself into. Instead, I gasped like a fish out of water when he pushed.
“There will come pleasure with the pain,lisichka. I am going to punish you, then I am going to pleasure and cherish you like the angel you are. Although, with all the sinful noises that you’re going to make, I’m not sure how much an angel you will be when I’m done with you tonight.” His voice slowly dipped lower and lower as he spoke, sending shivers down my spine. I could spend forever in his arms with him whispering sweet nothings into my ear and orgasm from his voice alone. Damn I must be more aroused than I thought if that’s where my brain went.
“Do you trust me enough for tonight, Angel? Trust that I won’t bring any harm to you? That I won’t overstep?” There was a slight tip to his voice as if pleading with me.
A softness to his hungry eyes told me I could trust him. He was in control, like always. “I will always trust you,anh. Take me. I am yours tonight and forever. The only thing I will ask of you for tonight is don’t turn my body away from you when we’re in bed.” I wasn’t sure if I could handle another panic attack or make any promises that I would stay tame, and I didn’t want to ruin tonight.
There was a look of understanding in his eyes as he nodded softly before capturing my lips in a passionate kiss that made my legs give out from the intense pleasure that washed over my body. Out of instinct, I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep myself from falling, gripping at his shoulder with one hand and tangling the other one in his fine locks that had just enough length for me to grip at firmly.
“I got you,” he said breathlessly against my lips after parting for a quick breath. Keeping one hand on my neck and his lips locked with mine, he slipped his other hand down the length of my back, eliciting a small moan from me as I leaned into his body. His hand gripped at my bottom as he gave my leg a soft nudge up with his knee.
With a small jump, and some help from Nikolai, I wrapped my legs around his waist, anchoring myself to him. “Drop me and I will stab you.” My empty and playful threat got a small laugh from him.