Page 4 of The Bratva's Bride
“I got him, just do what he wants,” Angel said to Arseny with a soft and reassuring smile.
“Uhh are you sure? You know how much he weighs right? And you know how tiny you are?” Arseny seemed wary, which I didn’t blame him for. I probably look like I could flatten her if I fell over onto her right now.
“Oh please, I’ve handled bigger.” She replied in a confident voice with a roll of her eyes.
Warily, Arseny left my side to go collect the man, stuffing him into the trunk before returning to the driver’s side. “I’m assuming you’re the one that helped him, so thank you, really.” Arseny gave Angel a grateful smile before turning his attention forward.
“You don’t seem bothered by any of this.” I noted out loud, looking at Angel with furrowed eyes and a raised brow, because anyone would be freaked out by such an order.
“I’ve learned to not meddle with these things if I want to keep my pretty head on my shoulders. Besides, one rat off the street is better than none. Just, take care, okay?” Even though I was being passed off into good hands, she still seemed genuinely worried for me. Although, I guess it might just be second nature given her line of work.
“I’ll be fine, it’s going to take a lot more than a crash to take me down. Just, remember what I told you, I’m one call away.” I told her with a brief smile before shutting the door and watching her disappear as the car drove off.
Though it should have been the end of it, her words bugged me a little along with her comfort about the whole situation. I couldn’t help but get a little paranoid with my thoughts again as I let my mind ponder.
Was it just an odd coincidence she was here?
Or did she have some hand in all of it?
~5 months later~
“Hey, are you sure youdon’t want to go out for that drink? You really seem like you need it,” my brother said with a lopsided smile.
As much as I wanted to catch up with my older brother, I was on hour sixteen of my shift after pulling a twelve hour shift the day before. I was beyond exhausted because this shift was only supposed to be eight hours—not double! Hell, I still hadn’t clocked off. Still stuck at the nurse’s station waiting for my replacement. “Greg, I’m way too tired for a drink. I just want to clock off then go visit and talk tobafor a bit before heading home and crashing.”
“How is he? I haven’t been able to go see him because of work, and because of those stupid goons our dear stepmother has posted around his room.” I could hear the apprehension in Greg’s voice as his face hardened.
Unfortunately, the guards—goons according to Greg—were more than happy to give Greg trouble. Greg wasn’t involved or tied to the triad business in any way. Actually, he stood on the other side; a detective for the police department. No one knew of Greg’s connection to our father though. He just played it up that his visits were part of a case involving our father. It was better to keep it this way, to keep my stepmother’s attention away from Greg as much as possible so he could continue to help me unnoticed.
“He's still in the same condition, stable but still in a coma. Both you and I know thatshe'snot going to let up on the guards, if you can even call them that. Have you found out anything else?” I kept my voice lowered as I continued to speak to my brother.
“No, damn bitch is good, but I’m not giving up. She’s bound to slip up, people like her always do, just a matter of time.” Greg sighed heavily as he ran a hand through his dark hair. “I just hate that it’s taking this long. I might not have been close to dad, but I remember how great he was when he was there before everything changed. So, I hate that she finally got her fangs into him. I just hope we can save him if there’s any possibility of it.”