Page 44 of The Bratva's Bride
Smiling happily tomyself, I carefully loaded the magazine into the new Glock Nikolai gave me as a stay safe present.
Nothing like a new gun to make the missus happy.
I probably sound like a psychopath being happy and giddy about my husband gifting me a gun. Even though I never killed—unless absolutely necessary—a gun was always a good thing to have in the mafia business.
“Damn, wish I had a man to gift me nice shit like that.” Hanna grumbled with a pout as she loaded her handguns. “Seriously, fuck chocolate and roses, I want guns and bullets. Or a nice bat.”
“I honestly don’t get why you like using a bat so much, it’s so impractical.” I remarked with a chuckle as I loaded my spare magazines into my leg’s holsters. “I mean, you have to carry the big thing around with you, and you have to get up close and personal to use it which puts you in the danger zone.”
“It’s fun to beat people up with it. Honestly, guns are nice, but they do things too quickly. I mean, put a hole in someone and you gotta find a new spot to blast, while with a bat or my fist then I can hit the same area as much as I want.” Hanna justified her reasoning with a small shrug of her shoulders. “Either way, I’m ready.”
“B-Boy is ready too.” Bao’s voice came over our earpiece.
“Bao, how many times do I have to tell you, you are not nicknaming yourself B-Boy, that is just bleh.” Hanna replied, sticking her tongue out at the end for effect.
“Oh come on, it’s a classic.” Bao argued with a playful whine.
“It’s also stupid. Now shut up and glue your eyes to the monitor.” Greg chimed in. “I’m ready at the back with my crew.”
“Hanna and I are ready over here along with everyone else.” I replied, looking at the three other men who were a part of our crew.
“Alright, it’s all clear. No workers, just a few guards. Gimme a second to count... Okay, seven on the upper floor, and eleven on the main floor. Careful, they’re armed with assault rifles and pistols, and no doubt knives and daggers. There are a lot of flammable things in there, so be extra careful. Floor plans indicate a basement, but there must be no cameras down there because I can’t detect anything with my sweep.” Bao relayed the information to us from the safety of the equipment van.
“Copy. We’ll clear the guards then take the basement. Remember, no killing unless necessary. Dead men don’t talk. Is that clear?” I wanted information, and someone in there was bound to know something about Lady Qing and her plans. Even if it was just a grain, it was better than none.
“Yes, loud and clear.” Everyone replied.
“Alright. Go!” I commanded, kicking in the front door with Hanna.
Chaos ensued the moment the barrier was breached, the guards wasted no time shouting at us and letting the bullets go. We were forced to duck behind the stack of crates to avoid becoming swiss cheese as we waited for an opening to fire back.
“Everyone cover your eyes.” I warned before throwing a flash bomb at the guards. “Go!” I commanded after the bomb went off, vaulting myself over the crate and rushing forward.
The sounds of gunshots filled the air again with the sounds of bodies dropping and complaints of pain as we fired back.
A pained grunt coughed out of my throat from the impact to my cheek. “Oof!” Okay, that would leave a pretty mark. Unfortunately, a butt of a gun always wins against a face.
I quickly recovered and caught myself from stumbling back a few steps. I couldn’t give the guard in front of me more openings.
Reaching out, I grabbed the barrel of his gun and used it to pull him towards me, kneeing him in the gut and bringing my elbow down on his arm to pry the rifle away from him. After tossing the rifle a distance, I backhanded him with my gun and watched as he fell to the ground. Then, just for good measure, I placed a single shot to both his knees.
Looking behind me, I watched another guard fall to the ground in a daze. “Hanna, what the...”
“I found a crowbar.” She stated matter of factly as she gave the dazed guard a swing to the face, cracking something in the area of impact. Then, she turned her attention to another guard who had his back to her. Poor man had no idea what hit him, literally. He was out cold on the floor with a busted head the moment the crowbar connected.
The body narrowly missed me by inches. “Sorry! He fell!” Greg shouted from the second floor. Whelp, that was another person we weren’t going to get information out of. Not with how his brains were splattered on the concrete floor.
Movement out of the corner of my eyes made me turn my head. A downed guard crawled on his elbows towards a gun. “Nah ah,” I quickly ran over and stomped on his wrist, feeling it give under my weight as the man screamed in pain. “Don’t even think—” A sudden tackle cut me off, a pained grunt leaving me when I landed on the ground. My head snapped to the side following the impact of a punch.
Instinctively, I threw my arms up to block the incoming blows. Once I saw an opening between his punches, I reached out and grabbed at his face, digging my finger into his eye before sliding my other hand down to pull my dagger out. Swiftly, I swiped the tip of the dagger across his face, causing him to lean back.