Page 69 of The Bratva's Bride
The man standing quickly patted at his pockets then threw his hands to the side with a sigh. “Damn, I think I left my phone on the charger. You got yours Tony?” Tony—the one sitting at the computer—quickly shook his head in response. “Do you think you could call him for us, Mrs. Volkov?”
I could see the faint outline of something akin to a phone in the guard’s pocket. But I could use this to my advantage. “Yeah, I just need to get my phone from my room, wait here, I’ll be right back.” I kept up the innocent act which they seemed to buy. It would seem these two weren’t as close to the family like Benjamin and Tim, otherwise they would have been able to see through my act.
Although, speaking of Benjamin and Tim, where the hell were they? Those two stuck to me like flies to a glue trap.
Turning my heel, I walked swiftly towards one of the accent tables that lined the hallway. Well, if things went my way then both of them would be alive. Unfortunate for them, but at least I would keep my hands relatively clean if things went smoothly. So, while clutching the Glock in my right hand, I reached under the table with my left and quickly located the gun strapped under the wooden furniture.
Good thing Nikolai was prepared and smart enough to stash handguns around the house.
After checking to make sure it was loaded and ready, I went back to the office earnestly. The wooden door flew back on its hinges with a swift kick, startling the two guards who were still in the same position when I left.
“Don’t even think about it.” I warned them sternly when I saw their hands go for their weapons. “I can shoot faster than you can draw.” I already had a gun pointed at each one of them.
Waving my gun at Tony, I signaled for him to get up. “There’s some rope in the first drawer. Tie your little friend up with it then disarm him, slide all of his weapons over to me. If there is so much as a twitch outside of what I say then it’ll be a bullet between your eyes. Am I clear?” The conviction in my voice should tell them I wasn’t playing around.
Nervously, the one standing chuckled weakly as he held his hands in the air along with his partner. “Mrs. Volkov, let’s be rational. You can put the guns down before any of us gets hurt. Listen, I don’t know what you’re thinking, but we are here on Mr. Volkov’s orders. So, please, put the guns down. We don’t want any stray—”
It was a warning shot. A small graze to the standing man’s cheek. The slight tilt of my hand straightened after I fired the gun to aim it back at the center of the man’s head. “There won’t be any stray bullets. You two obviously don’t know who I am and what I am capable of. Now, either comply, or you can say ‘hi’ to the devil for me when you meet him.”
With shaky hands, Tony quickly opened the drawer to Nikolai’s desk. “And Tony, if you dare try to go for the gun in the drawer then you’ll be a good demonstration for your buddy as to how deadly accurate my aim can be.” I warned him with a flat smile.
Times like this made me think maybe the life of organized crime isn’t so bad. I mean, I feel like a boss ass bitch right now with two men at my mercy because I have guns pointed at them. Eh, maybe if I had more of a desire to be in a position of power, but I knew this feeling would be fleeting at best. I may have my moments, but that was the extent of it.
My eyes trained on Tony as he carried out my instructions, tying his partner up and sliding all his weapons over to my feet. “On the couch rope bunny.” I demanded with a nudge of my head, watching as the bound man resigned himself to the couch. Then, my attention went back to Tony, “Bend over the desk with your hands flat on it.” I waited until he did as he was told before slowly going over to him.
Uncocking one of the guns, I tucked it into the waistband of my pants before using that free hand to fish out a pair of black leather handcuffs from the drawer. “Hm, guess you’re out of luck today, they aren’t the fuzzy ones.” I was rubbing it in their faces now, and I loved every second of it.
They’re the ones who thought it’d be wise to break into Nikolai’s office and steal, at least I’m pretty sure that’s what they were doing in the office. So, I might as well humiliate them and have my fun before my dear husband gets home and rips them a new one.
After I got the cuffs on Tony, I dragged him over to the couch and undid a small length of rope from the other man’s bindings to use it to secure the cuffs together, effectively securing Tony to his partner. “I never do the tying, so I don’t know how to do safety knots. Sorry not sorry.”
Note to self: not a rope master.
Sitting down at the couch across from them, I kept the single gun trained on them as I pulled out my phone with my other hand to call Nikolai. “Darling? Is everything okay?” I could hear the concern in his voice when he spoke.
Chuckling softly, I shook my head before replying, “Everything is fineanh, but you should probably book it home to deal with the rats I found before I put more holes into the house.” Twitching my trigger finger, I smirked and snickered softly when I watched the two men jump at the action. “We’re in your office.”
“Alright, I’ll be home in fifteen. Lev should be arriving shortly, he was already on his way there. Stay safe, darling.” The line cut out after his last bit, and I tucked my phone away into the pocket of my robe.
“Well gentlemen, do you want it quick and painless? Or long and painful? I mean, you’re probably going to die after everything, but how you go is completely up to you. Just so you know, if you decide to play the tough guy then you’ll probably have to deal with me in the interrogation room. And let’s just say that my methods are... Different. I’m not a punch first ask questions later kind of gal. I have my methods to inflict pain without bruising up your handsome faces, but I’ve heard some say they prefer a brutal beating to my methods.” They could spill their guts now and save everyone the trouble of dragging them to the bunker.
“Man, I told you she was a crazy bitch.” Tony grumbled while struggling with his restraints.
“You also told me no one would be home, but guess you’re wrong about a lot of things today asshole.” The other man replied with a huff.
“She’s usually at work at this time!” Tony snapped back, jerking his shoulder against his partner. “We shouldn’t have let her walk away that first time.” He continued to grumble before glaring at me. “How did you know what we were up to?”
“Well, I don’t know exactly what you’re up to, but I know it can’t be anything good if you’re in Nikolai’s office without him. No one is allowed access to the office besides him, his brothers, and I. So, you two are really not supposed to be here. Although, if I was his clueless wife then your little ploy would have worked, but I am not. It was a good effort on your end though.” I did feel a little offended because they thought I could be easily played like that. Did they really underestimated me that much?
The slamming of a door echoed to the upstairs seconds later. “Angel! Where are you!? Are you here!?” It took me a second to discern the slightly frantic voice.
“I’m in the office Lev!” I called out, not taking my eyes or budging the gun even a millimeter.
Heavy footsteps thudded their way up the stairs towards us, and soon a very pissed off Lev stood at the doorway. “Bozhe, ya na sekundu zabespokoilsya.” He let out a heavy breath he held in his chest. “When I saw Benjamin and Tim out front after Nikolai told me to get my ass over here...”