Page 75 of The Bratva's Bride
Bao muttered under his breath for a second while tapping at his chin in thought as his eyes scanned a log of sorts on the table. “Might be risky... But last minute deliveries can be a possible thing.”
“Let me see...” Bao quickly dug through some of the papers, pulling out various logs and laying them out for us to look as he highlighted certain entries. “I think we could pull it off. I can hack their system and adjust one of the deliveries to be set for the day of.”
“Seems like we have a solid way in. Now, what about when we’re inside? It’s going to be a shit show once we’re discovered, and as much as I would like to put a bullet through everyone in there, that’s too much of a mess.” Stepan pointed out our next problem.
Bao had a mostly confident answer, thankfully. “I can keep jamming their communications from the safety of the cargo box. We might need to take a minute once we get there to get situated, but what I’m hoping is that I have enough time to record a loop to hack into the surveillance area, that way we can move around undetected until someone can take out the guards in the surveillance room, hopefully. But once I have the camera feeds up on my end then I can direct you guys towards or away from the enemy.”
“We’ll have teams set up at each entry point.” Arseny spoke up, pulling the blueprints back up to the top. “This one,” his finger pointed at an entryway marked ‘B’ with a red circle around it, “Right here is the closest to the surveillance room. We’ll have to send that team in first to eliminate the eyes of the compound, and I say we stick some of our own men in there too so that Bao doesn’t have to be torn in so many directions with monitoring and informing us.”
“I can stay in the room with some of our men to monitor the cameras. We’ll each have a designated team to observe and inform, that way there’s no confusion.” It surprised me to hear Alexei injecting himself into the plan. There was no expectation of him to participate in this operation, at least not directly.
Looking over at Alexei who sat across the room from me, I raised a brow at him questionably. “You know you don’t have to—”
“I know.” He tersely interrupted. “I know... But I want a part of this, and we’re going to need all the men we can get. I’ll be fine in the surveillance room.”
Alexei knew at this point he had nothing to prove to us or the family, but sometimes I felt as if he pushed himself to try and make himself valid. It was pointless, no matter how many times I told him otherwise. Even if our father didn’t dig his claws into the twins compared to the others, it concerned me to see the extent of our father’s effects on them.
“You don’t have to prove yourself or anything, you know that right?” Alexei helped more than enough as our doctor, and if I was a hard-ass then I would command him to stay in that lane. But I wasn’t my father. I didn’t want to force anyone into a role they didn’t want.
“I know, but I want to take part. I want to help.” Alexei reiterated, this time more confidently as his eyes bore into mine.
Sighing, I nodded my head, dropping the subject. There was no point in arguing with him. If I forced him to remain behind the scenes then he would be pissed at me, and it would just cause unnecessary tension within the family.
I remained silent for a moment to think. My eyes scanned over the blueprint again to see if I missed any details the other times I studied it. “We’ll have four teams. Team Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta. Team Alpha will be stationed at entrance A, Beta at B, Charlie at C, and Delta will remain above ground. Angel and I will head Team Alpha. Alexei and Stepan will be lead in Team Beta. Lev and Hanna will take charge of Team Charlie. Delta will consist of Arseny and Greg whose main job is to hold the surface and protect Bao.”
I paused for a minute to ensure that everyone kept up with me before continuing, “We’ll each be stationed accordingly at each entrance. Once Beta team secures the surveillance room then I want Alexei to remain with two other men while Stepan will take some men to the holding area to secure and protect it. Any objections to what has been put forth so far?”
I waited until all of them gave me some form of agreement when there were no objections. “Team Alpha and Charlie will attack the main floor in a pincer movement towards the back wall where there is no escape for our enemies. We take out any guards we see, but no killing the participants and attendees.”
“Why? They deserve to die for being deplorable vermin.” Hanna spat with a scowl, the disgust clearly laced in her voice.
“Because that’s too much to cover up. If it was one or two prominent figures then we could cover it up, possibly, but not that many. Besides, I have other ways to deal with them. We’re going to extort them for all they’ve got before letting the law handle them unless they’re of use for us.” I haven’t looked through all the files of the attendees, but I saw some very prominent figures from my quick skim. As sickening as it was, having some of them in our pockets would be very beneficial for us in the long run.
“Seriously? You would want to keep scum like that in our pockets? Is it really worth it?” Lev was not happy to hear what I proposed, not that I blamed him.
“Only some, if they are really worth it, and it’s only until they’ve outlived their use to us. I saw the police commissioner in the files, if we have him under our thumb then we basically have the entire law enforcement under us.” It would make our less legal activities easier to conduct if law enforcement turned a blind eye to us completely.
“It’s a necessary evil Lev. I don’t like it either, but that’s the nature of our business.” Stepan agreed with me with a heavy sigh and slump of his shoulders. “But, maybe it could be a temporary thing. It might be a lot of work and effort, but what if we eventually replaced them with those on our payroll? If we install a new police commissioner of our choosing, then that would be just as good as having one under our thumb.”
Smirking, I glanced over at Stepan with a firm nod, “Exactly where my thoughts were leading.”
“Ugh, I hate it, but if it’s like that then I guess I can keep myself from putting a bullet through them, for now.” Lev grumbled with a roll of his eyes.
Clearing my throat, I leaned forward with my elbows on my knees, propping my chin up on my interlocked hands. “We’ll only head in once Bao and Arseny confirm the number, location, and position ofallthe guards. I want to keep casualties on our side to the very minimum, is that clear? We apprehend all the guards and mafia members and deal with them after the fact, got it?”
I looked at each and every person in the room for their agreement before continuing, “Bao will be in charge of leading Team Alpha through the compound. Alexei, you will be in charge of Stepan and his team once he splits from you, and I will trust you to assign one of the other men to direct Team Charlie while the other remains on lookout.”
The blueprints showed long winding hallways lined with rooms leading to the main area, so we were going to need eyes while we made our way to the main event center. We were going to be busy clearing the rooms in our wake, so we were going to need those manning the cameras to be on the lookout for guards rounding the corners or coming onto our path.
“We’ll all come in with the cargo with Bao’s equipment and fifteen men. The rest can come in once we clear the area.” If the cargo crate was the size depicted in the pictures by Bao then there would be no way we could fit fifty plus men, Bao’s equipment, and all of us in one. The rest of our crew would have to file in after we secure the topside.
“Anyone have anything to add? Objections?” I was a fair leader, not a dictator. I wanted to know if any of the others saw anything wrong with the plan after I laid it all out.
“Seems solid and straightforward to me.” Greg tossed his opinion in with a shrug of his shoulders.
Everyone else slowly followed with their own nods or verbal agreement. “Angel, I’m going to need a list of your men to compile a team with my own.” I could spare fifty of my own men, but this was a joint effort. Also, if I somehow lost all fifty men then that would be a small blow to my forces. Finding good and reliable help these days wasn’t easy.
“Will do.” Angel agreed with a soft nod.