Page 104 of Fool Me Twice
“His father did too. I’m certain Umair was shut away and forgotten because of it.”
The letters. Razak knew his father had been killed by Justice, and he knew what his father sought. Now he had the crowns close by, the key within his grasp. But a key to what? Razak had said he wanted to be a god. What secret could be so powerful? “And why must we leave now?”
“The tremors? You’ve felt them? I think… I think whatever secret the crowns unlock has been opened.”
“Then…” I eased back, giving her room to breathe now she was finally spilling her court’s secrets. “The font has been found?”
She nodded. “Cracks have appeared in the castle walls. Everyone is being told to leave, not just guests. I fear Justice is falling too.”
I was right, Razak was winning. Even now, as we raced to catch up, he was out there somewhere, laughing at everyone. “You saidhe. Who told you to come and find us? Who told you to make sure we leave?”
Her eyes fluttered closed, and she whispered, “Razak.”
Damn her. We’d wasted so much time already. “Where is he?”
“Arin.” Tears glistened in her eyes. “It’s too late. Please, just go…”
“It’s never too late to do the right thing.” I started back down the corridor. There had to be a way to find him. Where would he go? The crowns. He needed those wretched crowns. “Draven, you said you have War’s crown?”
The warlord hurried into pace alongside me with Danyal behind us. “Yes, in my chambers.”
“Good. Then whatever has been set into motion, he can’t yet have full control? Noemi?” She followed too, keeping pace as we raced from Razak’s cell. “Tell me where Razak is. Where did you see him?”
“An aide summoned me to the library. He waited there, and said you’d only listen to me, and that I was to see to it you left or he’d kill you.”
“He keeps trying. I’m not so easily pushed aside.”
“I think… Iknowwhere he’s going.” She raced ahead, blue gown rippling. The castle gave a trembling shudder underfoot. “Follow me, quickly. I fear we don’t have much time.”
We ran through Justice’s huge, vaulted corridors, moving against a stream of people fleeing toward the main hall. Tremors continued, rattling grit and dust from the castle’s vaulted ceilings. Whatever the reason, Justice really did appear to be coming undone.
Noemi stopped outside a door inlaid with countless tiny sapphires, like a scattering of stardust. An uncomfortable low-level resonating hum sounded from inside.
“Is this the queen’s chamber?”
Noemi hesitated with her back to me and pressed a hand to the door. She whispered something like a prayer. “This court is the most sacred of places. In here, all our fates are decided.”
“What’s the noise?”
“You hear it too? I don’t know.”
“We should better prepare—” Draven said, attempting to stall.
Muffled voices came from beyond the door. I moved closer, hearing a voice I’d come to despise. Razak was inside. “Does he have Lark?” I asked, dreading the answer.
She nodded, and renewed rage set my heart ablaze.
Nothing and nobody was stopping me from saving Lark.
The room Noemihad claimed was the source of all our fates resembled a theatre, with stepped benches around a central staging area. A lone podium stood in the middle of the floor, from which accused prisoners would stand, desperate to plead their innocence.
The most guilty of them all stood there now.