Page 112 of Fool Me Twice
It had been several days since we’d fled Justice’s court. Noemi and Draven had been gathering information, while I’d been growing more and more restless. We could do more to stop Razak, and we had to do it fast, but how?
I ventured from my room late in the morning, and of course, found a small commotion surrounding Lark in the main bar. He was flipping coins, delighting his small crowd with his effortless magic tricks and sleight of hand. I propped myself against the bar, just out of sight behind him, and watched him dazzle his ensnared audience. I also saw him pocket a few coins.
As his show wound down, I stepped up to the bar beside him, took the stolen coins from his pocket, and handed them back. “Never trust a magician.”
“They wouldn’t have missed them,” Lark said, mischief making his smile dance.
“Regardless, the coins aren’t yours.”
“Shall I sing for coins instead? Would that better suit your morals, Prince of Hearts? If we don’t find some coin soon, I’ll be doing more than singing. Unless you’d like to volunteer? Some would pay good money to sample those peachy lips of yours.”
This was how it was going to be now. Right back where we’d begun. “Don’t do this.”
“Do what?” He gave a cutting grin, goading me.
“Never mind. Where’s Draven?”
Lark tossed a coin onto the bar—a coin I hadn’t seen him pilfer away, but clearly he’d hidden it somewhere else on his person—and ordered a drink. He asked if I wanted to partake and rolled his eyes at my head shake. “I’m waiting for our illustrious warlord, actually. He claims to have news.”
“So you stole their coins to squander it on beer?”
He pursed his lips, waited for the barkeep to leave his drink, then took a sip with a smirk. “So judgmental. Is Justice rubbing off on you?”
“You’re a scoundrel when you’re like this.”
“I’malwayslike this.”
He was punishing me, and it hurt, but I wasn’t going to show him how much. “Listen, I’ve been thinking these last few days. We should all go back to Love. It’s not all lost. We at least have a foothold there, and perhaps we can make enquires as to my father’s advisors—if there’s anyone left.”
“Yes, fabulous.” His smile flashed. “You do that.”
The inn door rattled and Draven stomped in, kicking snow from his boots and shaking off a new blue cloak. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, but as he made his way over, he spread his arms, clearly pleased with the garment. “What do you think?”
“It’s very…” I began, then stalled.
“Blue?” Lark offered.
“Well, they don’t make red ones here, obviously.”
“Did Noemi buy it for you?” Lark asked, drinking from his tankard and leaning back against the bar.
“She did. She’s very kind.”
Lark threw me a mocking glare. “Strange, don’t you think, how she hasn’t bought us new cloaks?”
I saw where Lark was going with this. “Perhaps she will?”
“Hm, yes, I’m sure.”
“What?” Draven groused, sensing we were conspiring against him. “Do you want cloaks? I can ask.”
“You have news?”
“Yeah, but first, are there more of those?” He nodded at Lark’s drink. “You’re going to need it.”
Lark found another stolen coin he’d squirrelled away and ordered Draven a drink.
“Noemi has the news actually, but she’s busy with the townsfolk.” Draven accepted his drink and planted himself at the bar beside Lark. “Razak is alive. He entered a household not far from our route, killed the lady of the house, tortured the husband, and robbed them of coin and their horses.”