Page 48 of Fool Me Twice
“Hm, or just fuck me so hard we both think clearer.”
His smile bloomed, shattering the lie that he was anything but my Lark, my fool, the man I loved with all my heart. “You are too good for me.”
“Me, good?” I snorted. “Never.”
He laughed, shuffled off the bed, scooped the gloves he’d discarded from off the floor, and tugged them on as he strode for the door, reapplying the disguise one more time.
“Oh, Razak?” I called. He turned, hip cocked and shoulder lifted, his expression so sly I almost laughed aloud. “Won’t you bring me your crown?”
He swept low in a dramatic bow. “I’ll bring you whatever your heart desires.” He left, the lock clicked, and I flopped back on the bed, chuckling, warm and relaxed. The pennywort had me, but that was all right. I’d needed it. We both had. Lark always knew what I needed. I’d been afraid I’d lose him, then he’d walked back in and flipped the world upside down, just like he always did.Hewas a wonder, my Prince of Storms.
We were going to be all right. I knew it. He’d get the crown, we’d sneak out, and with some luck, we’d be gone by dawn.
I pulled on the pipe, letting the drug ease the remaining nerves and dampen the pain, then set the pipe aside. Its affects would clear by the time he returned. I’d be ready.
Yes, we were in our enemy’s court, but we were in control. I slumped back, closed my eyes, and drifted. Gods, I loved him so much it hurt. Once this was over, we’d go home, to my court, and it didn’t matter what was left, we’d make something of it. I’d ask him to join me, officially, in the proper way, make him a real prince, and surely it was the pennywort going to my head, but I wanted happiness for him, whatever that meant. We’d dance in the meadows, and we’d dream of freedom.
The door rattled.
I opened my eyes and peered at it through a haze of pennywort. “Back so soon?”
It rattled again.
“Lose your key?”
He didn’t reply.
My heart thumped, trying to clear the pennywort’s weight slowing my instincts. This felt wrong. “La—Razak?”
Someone or something slammed into the door, nearly shaking it off its hinges. I twisted and tried to get to my feet, but the cuff yanked me back. When a second blow struck the door, it flung open.
Three men poured in.
None of them were Lark.
Arin always had the answer.I shouldn’t have fled the room, should have stayed with him, should have known he’d know what to do and say.Iwas the problem, not him. But I’d work on that, once this was done. And we were so very close to being done…
Get the crown, return to the tower, collect Arin, and leave before dawn. Any delay would see Danyal reveal my lies, and if that happened, any chance at freedom would slip through my fingers, as would Arin’s life.
He’d been right, though. I couldn’t have done this without him.
Razak’s royal carriage clattered along at speed. With the aid of the carriage’s grand exterior, whoever greeted me at the vaults would have no reason to doubt my identity. Once inside, all I had to do was locate the crown.
A glance out of the veiled window showed the rain had eased, and the clouds had parted. The moon hung suspended over towering buildings, and an occasional star fought through the midnight gloom to shine against the odds. That star was my hope, my Arin. I’d have given anything to be strolling through his flower meadows at midnight as I’d used to, my only concern whose secret I’d pluck next. Those days and dreams had been so much easier. But Arin’s court was long gone, like the other courts would be gone if I failed now.
The driver slowed the horses and the carriage, jarring my dreams, and came to a halt outside a building I’d heard of, but never seen. I peered through the window. I’d assumed the vault would be the grandest of all buildings, a public display of wealth and knowledge. But its single-story façade was the smallest of all its towering neighbors. A large iron portcullis barred a huge timber door.
Two guards flanked the portcullis. Two guards between me and the crown.
All I had to do was play the part of Razak, and they’d let me through. As Arin had said, nobody would dare stand in Razak’s way.
Two gas lamps lit the vault’s steps, and with just the moon above, plenty of shadows would help conceal any roughness I hadn’t had time to fix from Danyal’s assault.
Remembering Arin’s words—begin acting like a prince—I waited for the driver to open the door.