Page 22 of Violent Demand
There was a story there.
Jayden grinned. “It’s a rags to riches tale, although, we don’t have anything but this car and an overnight bag so… More of a Bonnie and Clyde, on the run from the law. Hm, that doesn’t really work either.Pretty Womanmaybe, but with a hot, ancient vampire as my sugar daddy.”
Octavius tried to riddle out any of what Jayden had just said and failed there too.
“I was a mess,” Jayden went on. “Drunk and high most nights, I guess. It seemed easier to escape that way,” he said, smile fading. “I took a wrong turn out of a bar, ended up in a bad place. Some guys jumped me. I don’t remember much, just that if Saint hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t be here now.”
It sounded as though Saint had already been stalking Jayden with a view to turning him into a feeder, and the incident had given Saint the excuse he’d needed to move in. If it hadn’t have been that, Saint would have found another way to lure Jayden to him. Typical nyk behavior.
“See, I saved him,” Saint repeated.
Oh yeah, Saint was a real knight in shining armor. “We don’t get involved,” Octavius said.
“Huh?” Jayden asked.
“The Brotherhood, we don’t get involved in human affairs. It’s not our remit to save human lives.”
Jayden frowned and glanced over. “Like wildlife photographers?”
“Observe, never interfere with nature, that kind of thing? If an elephant is drowning in mud, they have to let it drown, because you can’t save every elephant.”
Octavius blinked at him. “Yeah, I… uh… suppose.”
He had an interesting way of seeing the world. Always optimistic, even in the face of darkness. Always smiling, always trying to find the good in a situation. But he had no idea what Saint had done to him. “In other words, Saint kidnapped you,” Octavius said.
“He’s mine,” Saint growled.
Octavius ignored the typical protective nyk tone. “Don’t you have people looking for you, Jayden? Family who are worried?”
“Not really. My parents disowned me since I came out. My sister is some hotshot lawyer. I hadn’t heard from any of them in over a year. They probably hope I’m dead.”
And that was a damn shame. Octavius had no time for feeders, but Jayden seemed to be harmless. No wonder Saint had ensnared him, like a spider catching a stupid fly. The nyk had seen how vulnerable Jayden was and singled him out. Find the weak and broken ones, then claim to help them so they worship their savior even as that savoir bleeds them dry.
“I know what you’re thinking.” Saint pulled the jacket from his head and sat up. “And it’s not like that.”
“Sure,” Octavius dismissed. “You took a vulnerable young man, fucked and fed from him, injected him with venom, and now he has no choice in anything he does. He’s your personal blood bag until you grow bored, toss him out, and get yourself a new one.”
Jayden glanced in the rearview mirror and his always-on smile faded under his concerned expression.
Saint narrowed his eyes at Octavius. “It’s truly amazing how you’ve survived this long as the shortsighted, narrow-minded, self-centered prick I’m guessing you’ve always been.”
“Fine, then tell me Jayden has a choice. He can pull the car up and leave, walk away right now, and he won’t crave you within a few hours? After a day, he’ll be crawling up the walls to get his next fix. The fact you picked an addict is so fucking transparent. You knew he’d be an easy catch.”
“Is that true?” Jayden asked, gaze flicking from the mirror and Saint, then back to the road ahead. “Am I addicted to you?”
“Keep your eyes on the road—No.”
“After a few days without you,” Octavius went on, “he won’t be able to function without your fangs in his neck and your dick up his ass.”
An almost imperceptible growl rumbled from Saint. “I’m starting to see why nobody much likes you, Octavius.”
“It’s the truth. And you know it. Jayden should know it.”
“When was the last time you had some dick up your ass?” Jayden said, bristling.