Page 24 of Violent Demand
Storm straightened and scanned the scene, then met Zaine’s gaze. “Well, we know he’s not alone.” And he likely had himself a feeder. He’d have to. They all needed blood, and there was no way of getting it bagged this far from a city.
Feeding from the vein was a damn slippery slope, and one Zaine had found himself on more than once. It wasn’t much of a stretch to go from that to full nyk.
“Let’s check out the motel,” Zaine said, grimly. Despite hating the prick, he didn’t want to see him flip to the dark side. But the longer this went on, the more probable it seemed that Octavius would have to be put down.
Perhaps the motel would yield more promising news.
* * *
A chopper landingin the motel parking lot wasn’t something that happened often in these parts. A small crowd gathered, phones raised, taking photos. It would be all over the internet. But the furor would die down once the next shiny conspiracy theory distracted the masses. The noise of the internet was good for that, if little else.
“Hey.” Zaine smiled at the woman behind the front desk.Janice, her badge said.
“You can’t park that thing there,” she grumbled.
He glanced back at the chopper and Storm’s threatening bulk approaching. Zaine shrugged. “There aren’t any signs saying no choppers, so…” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a photo of Octavius. “You seen this guy?”
Janice looked at the picture, then up at Zaine’s face. “Are you cops?”
The bell tinkled and Storm clomped in, shrinking the tiny lobby area around them.
“We’re private security,” Zaine said, reeling off the usual line.
Janice scowled, unimpressed. Zaine tapped the photo. “This guy? Ringing any bells?”
“I said no. I’m not going to miss someone looking like him, am I?” She tilted her head and eyed Storm behind Zaine. Her eyes widened a little, struggling to take in his smooth-headed, muscle-bound presence.
“Your camera’s out,” Storm said, his voice so low it sounded like a threat.
Zaine glanced at the corner of the ceiling, where a wire dangled from the camera. “How long has it been like that?”
“A few days, maybe?” Janice shrugged.
“Can we take a look at the footage before it went down?”
“Janice.” Zaine leaned against the desk and ramped up the charm. The tall, blond Viking routine opened doors with most females. “C’mon, we just need a quick look. Nobody has to know, and then we’ll be out of your hair.”
“And lose my job? Just because you have a fancy helicopter, and you’re all up in my face with your bodyguard, I’m not going to let two random guys look at our stuff without a warrant. You got a warrant? No, because you ain’t cops.”
“I’m not his bodyguard,” Storm grumbled.
“All right, fine.” Zaine huffed through his nose and straightened again. “Then have you seen anything out of the ordinary?”
“Like what?”
“People coming and going?”
She tucked her chin in. “It’s a motel.”
Storm snorted. “She’s got you there.”
“Some help here, big guy?”