Page 28 of Violent Demand
Octavius opened the rear door, laid Jay inside, and climbed in behind the wheel.“Saint, get in.”
The demand took his hand and guided him. He climbed in, still seeing Mikalis’s hate-filled glare in front of his eyes as Octavius sped the car away from the gas station.
“He’s not dead,” Octavius said. “He’s okay… Saint?”
He twisted and scanned Jay’s body for any serious wounds. His heartbeat was strong. The gash on his head had caused him to lose consciousness, but he’d be all right.
Jay had saved them both.
Octavius punched the wheel. “He’s never going to listen!”
Welcome to my world,Little Wolf,Saint thought. “Drive. Don’t stop, don’t slow, just drive.”
Octavius dropped a gear, the engine roared, and the car lurched forward.
Octavius had just seen the real Mikalis, and it was exactly as Saint had said. Mikalis didn’t want the truth. He just wanted them gone. And that was Saint’s fault because Mikalis believed Octavius kneweverything.
Perhaps it was time he did.
He droveall night and into the day, hating every headache-inducing glare and stabbing flare of sunlight off passing cars. He drove until he couldn’t see straight, and the car rattled to a halt on the side of the road, out of gas.
Jayden had woken during the day, complained of aches and pains, and Saint had tried to comfort him. He’d fallen silent since then. They all had.
And now they were out of the car, walking down a roadside, with no idea where they were or where they were headed.
The situation was dire.
“I can’t.” Jayden dropped to his ass on the soft shoulder of the road. “I gotta stop a minute.” He slumped over, draped his arms over his knees, and bowed his head.
There might have been more internal damage, or he was just exhausted.
Octavius eyed Saint. “Get him up and moving.”
“He needs rest.”
“Mikalis will be tracking us.”
“I know.”
“He will kill us if he catches us.”
“I know.”
Why wasn’t Saint even a little bit anxious? Didn’t he care? Mikalis was a gods-damned force of nature and he was on their tail. Octavius was beginning to understand what the nyks felt, knowing the Brotherhood had them in their sights, and it wasn’t good. “If he catches us, he will snap Jayden in half like a fucking twig. Is that what you want?”
Saint blurred all up in Octavius’s face, fangs bared.“I know.”
Octavius snarled back, threw up his arms, and started walking. He was done. They could follow or not. He was done with all of it, everyone, everything. The Brotherhood, nyks, everything. He had nothing, and so he owed nothing to anyone. He was alone, just like he’d always been. Outcast. Witch. Scorned and burned. He was a fool to think Mikalis was different.
A truck rumbled by. Octavius marched on until he heard the brakes squeak, and then he turned. The driver slammed the truck in reverse and pulled to the roadside.
“Oh, thank you so much!” Saint’s accent was foreign again, playing the lost tourist act. “Our car broke down and we’ve been walking for miles. Do you think you can give us a lift?”
“Sure, get on in,” the driver agreed.