Page 68 of Violent Demand
“What happened?” Jay glanced between them and narrowed his eyes. “Why are you both looking at me like that? Did someone die?”
“Did you feed him?” Octavius asked Saint, heavy on the accusation.
“No, not a drop.” Raising his hands, Saint backed away. What was happening here? Jay had lain dying in his arms just moments ago. It didn’t make any sense. It defied nature.
Octavius lunged in and swept his hand over Jay’s chest, cleaning away sticky blood.
The wound. It had gone. That wasn’t possible. “I didn’t give him blood,” Saint said again, if only to hear the words himself. He was damn sure he hadn’t fed him. But he must have. How else did a wound vanish like that?
“I know what this is,” Octavius said, breaking into a grin. “Don’t worry, he’s going to be fine.”
“Is he… nyktelios?” Saint asked, even though it was impossible to turn without blood. He’d lived a long time, but he did not know everything. Clearly, Octavius knew more than him when it came to miraculous healing.
“No, he’s something else. It’s good. He’s going to be fine, better than fine, I think. You’ll see, but right now you have to leave.”
The helicopter’s blades thumped louder as it circled above. Grit and leaves thrashed the windows. The Brotherhood was here.
Octavius grabbed Saint’s hand and drew him away from Jay. “You have to get him out of here.”
And leave Octavius? “You said you can’t fight them.”
“I’ll hold them off. Ride off into the sunset like you wanted. You were right, you don’t owe anyone anything. All right? Go and be with him. Everything is going to be fine.”
He didn’t want to go, not without Octavius. They were a threesome. They had something. Jay’s miracle proved it. They were special. Saint had never had anything this meaningful in his whole long, damned life.
“Please,” Octavius urged. “They’ll kill Jay because he’s a feeder, and he’s meant to live. They’ll imprison you. And Mikalis… he’ll make an example of me, of us. You must go.”
Saint kissed him—wrapped his arms around his lower back and yanked him close. Octavius’s mouth opened, and his tongue swept in, and despite the noise of their approaching fate, it felt as though they were alone again, just the two of them, tangled together, warm bodies and soft lips, quivering skin and sharp teeth. By Nyx, he wanted him close, wanted to spend a lifetime with him, to learn everything he loved, and give him all he deserved. He’d been misunderstood for so long, they both had, and it wasn’t right that after finding each other, they were now being torn apart.
The kiss ended slowly, and Saint’s heart lurched at the thought of leaving. He bowed his head against Octavius’s and lost himself in his beautiful pale-lashed eyes. “I might have loved you, Little Wolf.”
His lips ticced, then he placed his hands on Saint’s chest and pushed. “Go.” He turned on his heel and hurried for the door, throwing it open. The sounds of the landing chopper blasted into the house with the downdraft, whipping his hair and clothes around him.
Saint hauled Jay to his feet, clutched him close, and turned to see Octavius stepping out into the chopper’s searchlight.
“Will we see you again?” Saint called.
Octavius smiled over his shoulder.
“Will we?” Jay asked, softly.
Saint scooped him off his feet. “Hold on to me and close your eyes. This is going to feel… strange.” He stepped from the side door, then plungedintoshadow. Would they see Octavius again? He hadn’t answered because Jay needed hope, and so did Saint. But the truth left no room for it.
In all likelihood, they’d never see their little wolf again.
It wasall going to be okay. Saint had Jayden, and Jayden was like the others. Like Eric and Felix, he waschangedbut not nyktelios. Human, but evolved. He’d heal, he’d get stronger, and he’d make Saint stronger too, just by being together. Octavius didn’t understand it, none of them did, but he knew they’d be safe. Together. Saint would get to live the happy ever after Mikalis had denied him for millennia.
Octavius was ready to face his fate. To face the Brotherhood. And he supposed, face Mikalis.
He planted his feet and shielded his eyes against the chopper’s downdraft as it touched down near the lake’s edge.
If they listened and didn’t kill him within the first few minutes, he’d help with Atlas. Not for Mikalis, but for the Brotherhood. Because they were all victims of Mikalis’s lies, just like Saint had been, just like Octavius was. Although, none of them were likely to ever believe him. Except maybe Zaine, and they all knew he was an idiot.
Nerves rattled Octavius’s heart. Nobody stood against Mikalis and his Brotherhood and lived.