Page 17 of Spider
“Because I don’t want anyone to know that she’s my little sister. I’d love to get in and out of here without ever dude in the place hitting on Wren.”
“Ah, got you,” Savage said. He turned to his sister and flashed his best smile. “Hi, Wren,” Savage said. “I’m Savage.”
“Oh—you’re the one who my brother needs to talk to,” she shouted over the bar. Blade groaned and rolled his eyes, causing Savage to laugh. At this point, every guy in the place now knew that the woman standing next to him was his sister and Savage found her funny. She’d have bikers lining up around the corner to ask her out if he wasn’t careful.
“How about we go back to my office before your brother pops a vein in his neck?” Savage asked. “He seems a bit worried about you, Wren.”
She sighed, “All he ever does is worry about me,” she grumbled. “I just want to live my life.”
“Maybe if you stopped making the wrong fucking decisions, I could leave you alone to live your life, but you don’t seem able to do that, Wren,” Blade growled.
“Okay, let’s table this fight until we get back to my office,” Savage ordered. They followed the big guy back down the dark hallway to his private office. He quickly unlocked the door and held it open for the two of them.
“Oh, my girlfriend, Trixie is coming to meet me here. Can someone tell her where I am?” she asked Savage.
“What the fuck, Wren?” Blade shouted. “You invited Trixie to come here for this? We’re here to ask for help to get your ass out of trouble, not to meet up with friends, drink and have a good time.”
“You wouldn’t know how to have a good time if it hit you in the face, Blade,” Wren hissed. “For your information, Trixie is the one who needs help, not me.”
“Wait, you called me at the break of dawn, crying and telling me that you were in trouble and needed help,” Blade reminded. Hearing his phone ring at five in the morning wasn’t the most pleasant way to wake up. Hearing his little sister crying and saying that she was in trouble, yet again, surely wasn’t the way that he wanted to start his fucking day.
“Well, I told you what you needed to hear to help me. I knew that you wouldn’t help Trixie. I mean, you’ve made it very clear that you hate her.” His sister was wrong—dead wrong. He didn’t hate one single thing about her oldest childhood best friend. In fact, he fucking loved everything about Trixie, not that he’d ever tell his little sister that.
Wren and Trixie were inseparable growing up. They liked to tell people that they were sisters, which totally fucking confused the hell out of Blade when he started looking at Trixie as more than a kid sister. Hell, she was his fucking walking wet dream.
“Why does your friend need help?” Savage asked, sitting behind his big desk. “And why did you tell Blade that you needed his help?”
Wren sunk into the chair in front of his desk and smiled. “Well, Blade already thinks the worst of me, so it was easy to get him to believe that I was the one who needed his help, so I lies,” she said.
“Great,” Blade grumbled. “I’m sorry to have wasted your time, man,” he said to Savage. “Let’s go, Wren.” There was no point staying if she didn’t need help, but Wren seemed to have other plans.
“I’m not leaving until I find someone to help Trixie. She’s my best friend. You’ve known her practically her whole life, Blade. Would you so easily turn your back on her?” Wren asked. That wasn’t a fair question. She knew him well enough to know that he would end up helping Trixie. Wren was right—he’d known her his whole life and there would be no way that he’d leave her to face trouble on her own.
“What did she do?” Blade asked.
Wren barked out her laugh, “Trixie didn’t do anything,” she insisted. “We went out two nights ago, to one of the local clubs that we like to go to. We were dancing and this guy approached us and asked Trixie to dance. She told him that she was already dancing with me, and he called us both a few names, saying that we weren’t worth his time. He left us alone for the rest of the night, but when we left, we found some of those nasty things that he called us spray painted on Trixie’s car.”
“How did he know which car was hers?” Savage asked.
“I have no clue,” Wren said. “Neither of us went out to the car the whole time we were there. We stayed in the club the whole time.” Savage shot Blade a look and he could almost read the guy’s mind.
“Which club was it?” Savage asked. “I have lots of friends in this area and call try to call in a favor to get the video footage. We need to make sure that it’s the same guy and not a coincidence.”
“It was the Palms Night Club,” she said. “We usually go there and have no issues, but this time was another story. It wasn’t just her car that was vandalized,” she said. “I went back to her place with her for the night. She was going to take me home, but the whole thing really shook her up, so I agreed to spend the night with her at her apartment. When we got there, her front door was open and the same words the guy called us were written in red spray paint on her walls, furniture, just about everything.”
“Do you remember the guy’s name?” Blaze asked, sitting down on the chair next to Wren.
“It was Bruce.” They all turned to find Trixie standing in the doorway and Wren stood up and crossed the room to hug her.
“I was so worried about you. Why didn’t you call me?” Wren asked.
“Because I didn’t want you to be involved in this mess any more than you had to be. I mean, it’s only a week until Christmas and here I am, ruining everyone’s day,” Trixie insisted. She was always worrying about everyone but herself. She practically took care of Wren while they were growing up. If it wasn’t for Trixie, his sister would have ended up in a lot more trouble than she had while growing up.
“Still, you can’t go and disappear on me like that again, got it?” Wren asked. Trixie nodded and Wren ushered her into the room, making introductions between her and Savage.
“Why did you disappear?” Savage asked.
“I already said that I didn’t want to bring trouble to Wren,” she repeated. “This guy seems to be obsessed with me, and I didn’t want her involved.”