Page 10 of Blade
The room erupts in a chorus of boos and grunts. I slam my hands down on the table in front of me, the sound echoing around the room and causing my men to focus back on me.
“He got off on a bullshit technicality that I’m sure his cronies helped him out with.” More chatter and muttered curse words float around the room, and I know I’m losing them. I get it.
Sheriff Darren, the father of Hawk’s old lady, Tessa, is about as corrupt as they come. Not only did he have Rider thrown in prison on false charges, but he was an abusive piece of shit to his daughter. And that’s just a start. The man has ruled over this small California town for more than a decade with his police force of dirty cops ready to do his bidding.
Recently, we discovered the cops were reselling confiscated drugs across state lines. I mean, what the fuck? So much for serving and protecting. Ironic that the outlaw MC in town is cleaner than the actual law enforcement. This shit has to stop. Soon.
“Important takeaways from this,” I shout over the muffled complaints and grunts. “The Sheriff is back with a vengeance. He’s out for blood, and so are we. Be on the lookout and report anything suspicious. We’ll find an opening, a weak spot, and exploit the hell out of it.”
I look out across the room at the nodding heads, and I know my men are more determined than ever to wipe this fucker off the face of the earth. Not just him, either. It’s not enough to take down the leader. We know that now. If it’s war they want, we’ll give it to them.
“Fuckin’ right we will,” Rider grunts.
I catch his eye and nod. This is far more personal for him and Hawk. Darren has pissed me the hell off and ruined my town, but Hawk and Rider have experienced his wrath firsthand. I’ll ensure they get a few good swings in before I put the Sheriff six feet under.
“Dismissed!” I call out.
My men shuffle out of the back room, aside from Rider and Hawk. I figured they’d want more information and a more specific mission. There’s a reason these two are my most trusted brothers.
“What do you have on him?” Rider jumps in, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans in a bit closer.
“Yeah, what can we do, Prez? I’ll rip his goddamn head off if he dares to lay a finger on Tessa again. Hell, I’ll rip it off anyway for the damage he’s already done,” Hawk adds.
“Can’t go in guns blazing. You two know that, but I’m here to say it again to get it through your skulls. We’re dealing with an entire police force.”
“What about the FBI agents who originally arrested the sheriff? Can we get in contact with them? Surely they can’t let this slide,” Rider says.
“They’ve been on suspension since Darren’s trial, but a contact I have informed me there may be a new officer investigating the charges and implications they have for the local police force.”
“That’s something, I guess,” Rider grunts.
“It’s too slow. Wait for an agent to fix everything? That’s not our style,” Hawk adds.
“Hell, no. We’re not sitting back and letting the FBI handle this—if they follow up at all. I’m just saying we need leverage. Having a man on the inside wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.”
“Axel can rig up surveillance shit again,” Hawk interjects.
“And he has,” I say, a warning in my tone. Hawk is all wrapped up in protecting Tessa, but that doesn’t mean he gets to question me or demand that I do something. “We need more. Better info than tracking squad cars and audio recordings from the lobby. We need to be in planning meetings and back alley deals. Someone on the inside has access that we’ll never have.”
Hawk nods but wisely shuts up.
After a beat of silence, Rider changes the subject unexpectedly. “So, you got yourself a woman now?”
Hawk’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline, his mood instantly changing. “Blondie?”
“No. What? We’re not… it’s not… she’s in a rough spot and needs a place to crash.”
“And a job?” Rider inquires.
“And a car repair?” Hawk unhelpfully adds.
“Yes, and those things,” I grunt. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Maybe not to some, but it's certainly notable for a man with anall-women-are-crazy-sized chip on his shoulder.”
I glare at Hawk, who has a stupid smirk on his face. Looking over at Rider, I narrow my eyes at him as well when I see the same smirk on his face.
“Whatever,” I mutter, pushing past them. “I have somewhere to be,” I tell them over my shoulder.