Page 21 of Blade
“It’s a valid question,” Hawk adds.
“She makes me feel…” I trail off, trying to find the right words. “Like I can do anything, but the only thing I want to do is make her happy.”
All three men stare at me. Rider’s eyebrows float up by his hairline while Axel’s jaw drops open in shock.
Hawk grins at me, the jerk. “Do you love her?”
I freeze, my brows furrowing as I think about his question.Love. Is that what this is? This obsession to be near her, the need to make her safe and happy, the way her pain calls to mine while her sunshine warms me up…Love.I love her. I fucking love Sonya.
“You three fuckers aren’t going to be the first ones I tell that to,” I rasp, reeling from my life-changing realization.
Rider chuckles while Hawk and Axel flat-out laugh. I don’t give a shit. I need to get back to Sonya.
I’m vaguely aware of Hawk and Rider calling after me, but I’m already halfway to my bike and can’t turn back now. Throwing my leg over the seat, I kick start the engine and tear out of there.
Fifteen minutes later, I pull into the clubhouse, which is empty. Of course it is. The bar doesn’t open for another six hours. As much as I want to storm into the back where our rooms are, Sonya needs her sleep. Plus, I’m pretty sure I’d give her a panic attack if I pounded on her door this early in the morning.
Still, I can’t bring myself to go back home. Not when my Sonya is so close.
Ultimately, I decide to park around the back and crash in one of the other spare rooms until a more reasonable hour to wake Sonya up. As soon as my head hits the pillow, every ache and pain from the last fourteen hours melts away. I’ll close my eyes for a little bit.
I jerk awake, unsure what startled me. My vision is groggy, and I’m not in my own bed. I blink a few times, clearing the fog and squinting against the bright sunlight breaking through the crack in the curtains.
I’m at the clubhouse.
“Shit,” I mutter to myself. “What time is it?”
I hop out of bed and dig through my pockets until I find my phone. It’s a miracle I didn’t crush the damn thing in my sleep. I wasn’t expecting to sleep that hard. Or that long.
I groan when I see it’s almost two in the afternoon. It’s been a whole day since I’ve seen Sonya, tasted her lips, and felt her soft curves beneath my rough fingertips.
Heading to the small bathroom inside the micro-apartment, I rinse my face and run my fingers through my hair. It’s time to find my woman.
Stepping into the hallway, I walk a few steps to Sonya’s room, knocking on the door lightly. When I get no response, I try the doorknob, which turns. I open the door, poking my head inside, but not seeing Sonya.
My stomach sinks as I turn and make my way out to the bar. Only three patrons are inside, scattered at different tables, drinking alone. No Sonya in sight.
A rock sits heavy on my chest, and panic seeps in at the thought of losing her. I fucked up by leaving her yesterday, but she has to give me another chance. I can be better for her. I know I can.
I’m about to go outside and check the mechanic shop to see if she decided to go in over the weekend when I hear the most magical sound. Laughter. Not just any laughter. This sweet voice belongs to my Sonya. Everything in me relaxes knowing she’s here.
I follow the sound to the kitchen, where Sonya stands beside Tessa, talking while making tea. Both women stop and turn toward me, staring as I stalk toward Sonya. Her blue eyes narrow, and I see confusion and hurt in their light blue swirls. It kills me that I made her doubt how I feel. That shit ends now.
The closer I get, the more her gaze changes. She’s still confused, but that fire deep down is coming out. Her flushed cheeks and glassy eyes let me know she’s been thinking about the last time we were together.
Without a word, I bend and toss Sonya over my shoulder, securing her with an arm around her thighs.
“Um, excuse me? What exactly are you doing?” she protests.
I lightly swat her round, juicy ass with my free hand, making her gasp in surprise.
“Don’t you think this is a little caveman-ish?”
I grunt, which makes Sonya laugh. She’s not all that upset at the literal turn of events, which gives me hope.
“Have fun!” Tessa calls.
“Traitor!” Sonya says.