Page 30 of Blade
The officers laugh, but not in a joyful way. It makes me feel gross like I’m the butt of their joke, but I can’t figure out why.
“I think you must be mistaking me for–”
“Sonya?” Officer Marc finishes.
I nod automatically, regretting it when his eyes glint with satisfaction.
“Oh, yeah. You’re our girl, all right. Are you going to come with us, or are you going to be difficult?”
“Go with you? Am I in trouble?” I ask in confusion.
“Not yet, but you will be. Hopefully, enough trouble for your boyfriend to come and save you. Then we’ll get him, too.”
“What? What are you–”
Officer Marc lunges toward me, and I reel back, only to run into the other officer behind me. He wraps an arm around my waist while the other covers my mouth with a cloth.
“The hard way it is, then,” someone says, their voice fading into the distance.
It’s the last thing I remember before darkness consumes me.
My brain pounds against my skull, and the sharp throbbing wakes me from my drugged sleep. Blinking a few times, I squint against the sunlight, rolling to the side as my world turns at a ninety-degree angle.
I slowly realize I’m handcuffed in the back of a car.What the heck…?
And then I remember.
Two cops showed up and were acting strange, and then…Oh, my god.
We take another sharp turn, and I roll to the other side of the seat, groaning when my shoulder bangs against the window. My arm spasms, sending pain shooting down my elbow into my wrist and causing the metal cuffs to scoot up my arm and dig into my skin. My right hand now has a little more wiggle room, and I don’t have time to think. I see an opportunity and go for it.
Throwing myself backward, I clutches the door handle with my right hand and yank the damn thing with all my strength. To my surprise, the door is unlocked, and I roll out of the backseat and onto the gravel road with a bounce. Thankfully, the car was slowing down, so the impact wasn’t too bad. I’m sure I’ll have some scrapes and bruises, but I don’t have time to worry because the vehicle stops and the driver is about to chase after me.
Adrenaline pumps through my veins, and my fight-or-flight instinct goes into overdrive.I won’t lie down and take it anymore,I tell myself as I struggle to my feet. It’s hard to maintain my balance with my hands still cuffed behind me, and I fall to my knees several times before getting a few steps in.
I’m not your prisoner. I’m no one’s prisoner.One foot in front of the other, keep going…
My foot catches on a soft patch of grass on the side of the gravel road, and I pitch forward, rolling down a small embankment. My head bangs against something hard, but I don’t waste time looking to see what it is. It doesn’t matter. I need to keep moving.
Throwing my weight upward, I gain enough momentum to haul myself over the other side of the ditch and break into an awkward sprint across what appears to be a nicely mowed field. I’m unsure where I am, but the terrain is easy enough to navigate.
It’s not until I nearly run smack into a giant gravestone that I realize I’m in a cemetery. I stop in of the six-foot tall memorial, peering around one side and then the other before deciding to hang a right and keep going. I don’t know if the man driving the car is still chasing me, but I have to keep moving. I need to get back to Blade.
“Hey–oh!” comes a sweet, startled voice beside me.
I look to the left and trip over a small headstone.
“Oh, my god. Are you okay?”
I hit the ground with a thud, wincing at the pain in my shoulder.
The woman rushes to my side and looks me over, her eyes landing on the cuffs around my wrists. I worry she might get the wrong idea and call the cops about an escaped convict, but she pulls a bobby pin from her hair and a pocket knife from her purse and gets to work picking the lock on the cuffs. Thirty seconds later, they loosen and fall to the ground.
She backs away, and I sit up, rubbing the raw marks on my wrists. I look over my shoulder, searching for my captors, but I don’t see anyone.
“Are you okay?” the woman asks again.
I jerk my head in her direction, taking in her black combat boots, torn fishnet tights, leather shorts, and black, lacy top. She has a cute little black and white top hat clipped to the side of her bun, making her look like an adorable goth princess.