Page 32 of Blade
It’s about time you had someone worth using for blackmail. Want your woman back? Disband the Savage Saints once and for all.
They didn’t have to sign it for me to know it was the fuckin’ cops. Usually, they’d be the ones to call in a situation like this, but the police in this town are responsible for more crime than all of its civilians combined.
“Fuck!” I growl, pounding my fist against the cement wall.
The impact sends shockwaves of pain up and down my arm, but that’s nothing compared to the gaping hole in my heart. I should’ve been here. I should never have left her side. I was so concerned by Sonya healing from her wounds that I didn’t think to protect her from mine. Namely, the dirty, motherfucking pathetic excuse of a police force that has it out for the Savage Saints.
I stomp around the lobby like a rabid bear, worry and anger churning in my gut and making me sick to my stomach. Running a hand through my hair, I tug at the strands until it stings, then continue to pace.
“Prez, we can stake out–”
“No time to stake out. We need together. Right now,” I spit out.
I know I’m not making any sense. I’ve never had something so important ripped away from me, never cared about anyone enough for them to be a liability. It’s my fault Sonya was taken, and I’ll sure as fuck be the one to end this shit between the Savage Saints and the PD. After this, there won’t be a war, only a king. Me.
My phone rings, and I answer it without looking at the screen. “What?”
“Prez, you need to get to the clubhouse.”
“I’m busy, Axel. Need to get to–”
“Sonya’s here. She just walked in with another woman.”
“She’s… there? Right there? With you? Now?” My heart stutters and stops, only beating again when I hear her voice on the other end of the line.
“B-Blade, I’m ok-kay,” she whispers.
“I’m coming for you, baby. I’ll be right there. God, I’m so sorry, Sonya. If they hurt you…”
“I’m okay,” she says with a little more confidence.
“I’ll be right there. Love you, baby girl. Hang tight.”
I shove my phone in my pocket and tip my head at Hawk, who I assume heard the majority of the conversation. We hop on our bikes and speed out of the parking lot, eating up the few blocks between here and the clubhouse in no time.
I barely put my bike in park before stumbling off and sprinting inside. “Sonya? Sonya, where–”
My woman has a blanket draped over her shoulders and a cut on her forehead, but she rushes toward me all the same. I meet her halfway, scooping her up and cradling her against my chest. She wraps the blanket around us, and I press my lips to her forehead, careful to avoid her wound.
“Sonya,” I whisper, holding her close. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you. I should have told you the cops in this town are rotten and out to get us. I should have taken them out long before now, so they never had a chance to hurt you. God, I should have–”
My woman cuts me off with a kiss. The racing thoughts and gut-wrenching worries stop when her lips meet mine. I sip from her sweetness, giving her gentle strokes with my tongue and silently promising her I’ll never let anything bad happen to her ever again.
Someone whistles behind us, and I tear my mouth from Sonya’s long enough to grunt at them. She giggles, and Jesus, it loosens the vise that’s been squeezing my heart for the last hour.
“Love that sound, baby. Love everything about you. How did you escape?”
“I woke up in the back of a car,” she starts.
“A cop car?”
“No, I don’t think so. It didn’t have a metal divider. The doors were unlocked, so I rolled out of the back seat and ran for the nearest clearing, which happened to be a cemetery.”