Page 3 of Axel
“Nothing changes if nothing changes,” I say under my breath. Cliche words, I know, but they’re what I need to hear right now.
I try again, gathering all my strength and wrapping my fingers around the door handle. I can’t hear anything other than my heart pounding and blood pumping. This is it. If I do this, there’s no going back.
Just open the door…
I drop my hand and spin around on my heel, continuing my pacing a few feet further from the clubhouse than before. I can’t seem to bring myself to go through with it. Grunting in frustration, I grab my long braid and begin twisting it around my fingers in a familiar, soothing gesture.
I thought maybe seeing Axel yesterday was a sign that I was ready to try again, ready to walk inside the clubhouse this time. Apparently not.
I let out a squeak and crouch, my automatic response to an unexpected intruder. Hide, stay quiet, don’t ask for anything. If they don’t notice me, I can’t get into trouble for “not pulling my weight.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” comes the voice I now recognize as Axel. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Embarrassment floods my system, and I know my face is bright red. There’s no hiding my emotions with my light complexion. I pop up from where I’m cowering like a baby and attempt to give Axel a reassuring smile. From the concerned look in his deep blue eyes, I don’t think I quite pull it off.
God, he’s as gorgeous and chiseled as I remember from yesterday. More so, in fact. With black hair and ocean-blue eyes framed in long, dark lashes, his gaze is almost hypnotizing. And then there’s his broad chest and strong arms, corded with muscles and decorated with tattoos.
I want to curl up in his embrace and ask him to keep me safe, but that’s a ridiculous thought. He doesn’t know me or my family. If he did, he might not be so friendly.
“Hey, there,” I say with a little too much enthusiasm. My heart is still racing, though I don’t know if it’s from my earlier scare or being in Axel’s presence. “I, um, was just…” I trail off, unsure what to say. Can I trust him with this? Am I naive for thinking Axel and his club can do anything about my situation?
Axel doesn’t miss a beat. He sees how uncomfortable I am and gives me a charming smile, putting me at ease. “Stalking me already, huh?” He grins, running a hand through his dark hair. He did the same thing at the graveyard, and like then, I stare at the movement of his arm, mesmerized by the flex of his muscles.
“Awfully conceited of you to assume I’m here just to ogle you,” I counter.
“Aha, I didn’t say ogle, I said stalk. But yeah, you can ogle me too, princess.” Another wink and wicked smirk has me blushing and my stomach swirling.
What is it about this man that makes me want to trust him? I feel… safe around him. I think that’s what this is. Safety.
“Princess?” I ask, raising my eyebrow as I question his nickname for me.
“Short for punk-rock princess. Or goth princess. Oh, and princess of the graveyard. Take your pick.”
I look down at my black A-line dress with dark purple polka dots that hits right above my knees. My dark purple tights match, and I’ve paired them with my favorite pair of Converse shoes I found while dumpster diving. I cleaned them up and drew little skulls and crossbones with neon fabric markers that pop against the black canvas.
Yeah, I’m guessing this look isn’t exactly what he typically goes for in a woman. Not that Axel thinks about me that way. Obviously. I have too many curves, a messed-up family, and nothing of value to offer anyone. There’s no way this sexy biker beast has anything other than a passing curiosity about me. Or maybe he’s being nice because he knows I helped Sonya when she needed it last month.
“Hey, where did you just go?” Axel whispers.
I finally stop staring at my feet and look up, meeting his gaze. “I’m right here,” I reply in the same soft tone.
Axel steps in my direction, wrapping his hand around mine and tugging me closer so we’re nearly chest-to-chest. “You went somewhere in your head. I get the sense you were saying mean things about yourself.”
“I…”How the hell did he know?
“I wasn’t making fun of you, I promise. I like your style. It’s unique and very… you.”
I furrow my brow, but Axel gives me the biggest grin. He looks down at me like I’m… amusing. No, that’s not quite right. He looks at me like I’m adorable, and maybe, just maybe, I’m more than a curiosity to him.
“Uh, thanks. I think,” I murmur awkwardly.
Axel untangles his hand from mine, sliding it up my arm and cupping my face. I can’t help but lean into his touch, getting lost in those ocean-blue eyes. “One day, you won’t doubt my compliments,” he says softly. I blink, not sure I heard him correctly. “One day, you’ll believe me when I tell you how beautiful you are.”
Me? Beautiful?It’s too much. Too good to be true. Too sweet, especially knowing what I’m going back to after this.
I step back, and a shiver runs down my spine as soon as his hand drops from my face. I like his touch. Far more than I should. I can’t get used to gentle touches and kind words. They’ll only make coming back to reality that much harsher.