Page 16 of Bloodstained Wings
As much as I’d like to scold her for that attempt of endearment, I let it slide, watching as she takes a massive file out of her purse and tosses it onto the desk between us.
“Give it a read, Carter.”
Unimpressed already, I flip the file open, first finding a picture that makes my blood boil. The rest doesn’t get much better, either. There are easily two hundred photos in here, nearly all of them taken from a distance, though a few are up close and personal.
My jaw locks as I realize what this tramp is trying to do. “Why do you have all these?”
“I’ve been busy since you fucked me over, Carter,” she sings.
She takes a seat and kicks her heels up on the edge of my desk. I’m tempted to push them off, but my eyes fall back to the stack of photos. When those run dry, it’s a couple thick packets of handwritten notes that I read to myself. She continues chatting in the meantime.
“Now, if you keep digging through those pages, you’ll find the exact time and place of your indiscretions. Not only does it have to do with your salacious history with the women of this city but also your tendencies to be a bit on therougherside of things.”
I push the file away when I’ve heard enough. “Whore.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” she replies. “I’m the one dangling proof that you’ve slept with almost every brunette in Manhattan, baby.”
Shaking my head, I try to appear unbothered. It doesn’t work. “So what? I’m a man. I like sex. What do you have here but a history of failed dates and meaningless flings?”
Her thin lips curl upright slyly. “It’s just a little bit of defamatory proof, Carter. I know you have a longstanding flavor of the week. What would she think if she saw all these details?”
My heart skips a beat. “She knows my past.”
“Does she really?” She takes the file, flicking it over to the middle so she can pull out a sheet and read from the notes. “He undressed me in his penthouse, threw my back onto the bed, and fucked me for hours on end. I got up in the morning, and he told me to be back that night, but when I came back, he already had a different woman in bed with him.”
I look elsewhere, trying to forget the pain of my past. I’m not proud of my behavior, but I can’t be held hostage by it because I met Isabella, and I love her. She’s the one I want to be around every night, and from the minute I claimed her as mine, I stopped finding relief elsewhere.
“There’s also this fun piece that says some woman was in this office, actually, on her knees while she was sucking your cock, Carter. This was after you first met Isabella Julis, right?”
My brows furrow, worried this witch can read my mind. “Excuse me?”
“What do you need the excuse for? This proves nothing, right, Carter? You said so yourself.”
“I hadn’t made my move on Isabella yet, so that moment isn’t important.”
“It’sveryimportant. When she sees this, she will—”
“You’re fucking dead,” I breathe. “You try to show her a thing or come near her, and I’ll slit your throat.”
She hardly seems fazed by my threat. “Hey, that’s almost like how you used to grab my throat in bed, right?” She stands from her seat, hikes her skirt up even further, and stalks around to my side of the desk. I get ready to push her away, but she falls to her knees, licking her lips while she stares at me from the floor. “Remember when you had me suck your dick, Carter? I came over every day for three weeks. I was the first one that you had seen more than once.”
I lean forward, smiling back at her wickedly. “That doesn’t mean I enjoyed your company, Lilian. You were just cheaper than the hookers uptown.”
I can see my words wound her. It gives me hope that this ordeal will end soon enough. “I might have been cheap, but I was good to you. I did everything you asked, and I took that belt like it was my job, baby. And what did you do to me?”
I lean back, recalling our history from forever ago. “I don’t actually remember.”
She looks more insulted by that than anything else. “I came over to find you fucking my sister in your shower.”
It all comes flooding back to me, the memory of her sister bumping into me in passing, joking about how she’s heard about me from Lilian, and then practically begging to try some of my length for herself. I agreed to it, of course, because I wasn’t looking for feelings and emotions.
I was looking to heal the wound where Brooke’s legacy has scarred me for life.
“So, this is what, exactly? You’re going to hand my sex life to Isabella and then do what? She knows who I used to be. I’m hardly afraid of what you have in those files. I never cared about you or any of the others. But I care about her. That’s what matters.”
She inches forward on her knees, her eyes drifting over me stealthily. “Carter Blackthorne, you think I’m just going to show Isabella and leave it at that? How about I show the whole city… hell, the whole state? I can make this world a living hell for you both. She wouldn’t be able to walk down the sidewalk without everyone knowing that she’s the whore of the month.”
“She isn’t a whore,” I yell, speaking directly into her face. “She’s nothing like you.”