Page 5 of Bloodstained Wings
The only thing more fucked up than the ordeal we had with the Lacey family is the dismissive attitude of the city when they found out Carter was the mayor’s hitman for a long, long time.
He pulls me to a sitting position on the floor, forcing my shirt over my head. My arms are like noodles hanging at my sides, his hands brushing my thick, brunette hair back over my shoulders. I dare to yawn, the lasting taste of his ejaculation still coating the back of my throat.
It doesn’t bother him, his lips still teasing my own with a gentle kiss.
“We have to settle this, dove,” he mutters, kneeling on the platform with me. “I am just cautious about letting you out into the world, Bella. After everything that happened, I just need to confirm our enemies have been stifled.”
“Jacob is dead,” I mutter. “So is his father. Why are you so scared that something will happen to me?”
He pauses, his heavy palm raking through my untamed hair. “Because if I let you out into the streets of Manhattan, and anyone was to use you to get to me, it would work. If I didn’t make it in time to stop Jacob and his father, well—”
“I know,” I cut in, not needing him to recap that treacherous event. “He came close, but I was fine. I fought back, too.”
“Yes, you did,” he adds with a gentle smile. “I just need time, okay? Give me time. For now, we have an election party to attend. No matter the outcome, we will be going to Aunt Anita’s tonight to be with the family, okay? Maybe after that, we can talk about your job search.”
I sit up straighter—hopeful he’s actually going to give me a chance to gain back some independence. Granted, I love being with Carter as much as possible, even when we’re just doing nothing. But there’s a certain aspect of my life that still beckons for my attention.
Jacob Lacey was a horrid boss with ill intentions toward me and my body, but that job gave me a sense of purpose. My father’s bills have been paid off and paid ahead of time, so the money isn’t really the issue anymore. I just don’t want to be overly dependent on this remarkable man and force tensions to rise.
I want to appease him as much as possible right now, so I ignore my tumbling thoughts and reach for my pants. He clutches the hem of my jeans before I can pull them up, his hand gripping the vibrating toy from before. He presses it back into my core, my body wilting and shuddering while I grab at his wrist and take the pressure in stride.
He leans into my shoulder, nibbling on my earlobe in a way that makes my skin spark with chills.
“You’re so tight after you come.”
“It’s your fault,” I reply, feeling him release the toy as it’s securely inside of me.
Carter takes over the task of zipping up my jeans and buttoning them up securely.
“It’s always my fault,” he whispers, his palm grabbing at my ass. “But let’s see if this remote still works.”
“Wait, remote?”
He clicks a little device in his two fingers, the pressure in my pussy suddenly starting to vibrate. I nearly fall forward, clinging to his chest while the sensation practically pushes me to the ground. He keeps me upright, though, snickering into my hair while his tongue drags across my exposed shoulder through the collar of my shirt.
“There you go, dove. Keep coming for me tonight, okay?”
“Y-yes, sir.”
“Good,” he pants, grasping my hand and whisking me out of the club.
I hardly make it back into the SUV before I double over, butterflies releasing through my stomach relentlessly until a slightclickcomes from his fingertips. The rattling ceases for now, but the looming threat of it is enough for my body to grow tight with anticipation.
He pulls me to his side, and Ernesto veers the SUV into the dense Manhattan traffic.
When I’m nearly passed out with exhaustion, draining away the feeling of being overwhelmed with orgasm, a soft voice catches my attention.
“What were the last polls showing?”
Ernesto clears his throat to reply to Carter in a whisper, “Wasn’t looking good. Behind by eight percent.”
Carter growls, a noise I can feel with my shoulder tucked into his chest. “This is going to be fun. If Killian wins, we’re all doomed.”
“He’s an ex-cop,” Ernesto sighs casually. “He isn’t the end-all to our operation. We still have backup plans in case things go in his favor. We will shut down the docks projects you acquired from auction after the Laceys were obliterated as a family. Nothing is in our names downtown, not even the spot we took from the Lacey family. What was it again? Gambling or—”
“Guns,” Carter cuts in. “They were about to barge into my market with the Laceys desire for exporting guns, but their fearless leaders all caught a bullet.”
“Funny how that happens.” Ernesto’s attempt to soften the taut aura of the car doesn’t work. “Listen, boss. It’s going to be okay. The dust is still settling after the Frances issue. Killian can’t do a thing to you if he wins the election. You made a deal to give up all the information in exchange for Frances going to prison, right?”