Page 25 of Ruthless
“I have read it before.”
“So why read it again?” He shifted his weight to his left foot, watching me closely. I felt the heat growing in my cheeks but did my best to ignore it.
“Because maybe it’ll get you to leave.”
That made him grin. “You’ve been really cold lately. Must’ve pissed you off with the shower—”
“Please just leave me alone.” I cut him off, the embarrassment of what happened creeping back in.
“Hmm. You have a lot of balls for a woman who’s been kidnapped. Smart mouth like that might get you killed, princess.”
“Even better,” I snapped, refusing to meet his eyes. I knew they were boring into me, and while my body responded in frustrating ways, my mind stayed focused.
Ghost Eyes was the enemy.
But…ifhe was in a friendly mood…
“How long do you think I’m going to be here?” I looked up at him, surprised to see a softness in his eyes that I hadn’t before…
And it did all kinds of things to my heart rate.
He bit his lip, hesitating. “I don’t know.”
“You have no plan?”
He shook his head. “It’s not my job to make a plan.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “That one guy—the one who said that Lucas is crooked—he’s the boss, isn’t he?”
“You know I’m not gonna answer that.”
“Okay, well… I’ll do a trade then. Info for info.”
He seemed to mull that over, and then nodded. “Okay. You have a deal—and I’ll let you go first.”
This is surprising.
Part of me wondered if I was about to die and that’s why he was being nicer than usual, but I brushed it off. Death was a real possibility regardless. There was no sense in trying to figure that out.
“You gonna ask something or just ogle at me?” He snapped, his gruff tone quickly reminding me of the hard ass inside him.
“Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting you to agree,” I mumbled. “How close am I to the nearest town?”
He rolled his eyes. “Fourteen miles, give or take a little.”
Fourteen miles.
That wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it might be. It was a trek, but I could easily manage it.
Not that I could escape again.
I ruined that.
“My turn, princess.” He grabbed up a chair, taking a seat across from me as he straddled it backward. I held my breath as he seemed to study my face, and I questioned how honest I would be in return… But his question was unexpected—and not quite a question.
“Tell me about Victor Sanchez—and how he affectedyou.I know who he is. But I never knew he had a connection to you—other than doing your brother’s dirty work.”
“How does that information benefit you?”