Page 43 of Their Favorite Game
Frankie stood and paced the room. He kept opening his mouth to talk and then he would shut it again. At first, I didn't reply because I was so angry at his statement, as if I was always dramatic. But after he started pacing, I remained silent because I could tell he was trying to tell me something.
"Look, I just wanted time with Rachel. I know you don't understand what I mean." He blew out a long breath and sat back down. "Can we start over?"
Frankie may have thought I didn't understand, but I did. He didn't want Sammy there, and inviting me meant she would come. He was faithful and would never do anything with Sammy while he was with Rachel, but I was guessing that didn't stop his feelings. Ugh, I really wanted to hate him. I couldn't.
"Yeah, of course." I grabbed his hand.
"Listen, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Dad." He squeezed my hand and released it.
"You should have, but I forgive you." I grabbed his beer and drained the rest of it. "So how long? Who is she?"
"A few months. He met her at some work conference. That's all I know." He got up and took two more beers from the fridge.
Lately, I had been putting my liver through the ringer. After this weekend, I would have to give it a break and stick to water. If it wasn't for the talk I was about to have after this one, I would have refused it. Instead, I chugged half of it down before it hit the table.
"Woah, slow down." Frankie chuckled and did the same to his.
"Hey, I almost broke my ankle today. I deserve all the beer," I huffed.
"Good point. You have had a pretty bad day. Maybe you should go to sleep before anything else crappy happens." Frankie shook his head.
It was wellafter midnight when the knock came. I had texted Jake to wait until Frankie went to bed so he wouldn’t catch us all in my room. Even if we had come up with a good excuse, I doubted my brother would believe us. Really, there was no reason for all of us to be in there.
Sammy had checked in to make sure I was doing okay, but I quickly shut her down. I told her I needed some time alone and asked her to stay in another room. There was a spare no one was using, and I was pretty sure Frankie had her and me together, so neither of us could hook up with any of the guys. She winked at me and left.
Poor Sammy, I knew she was suffering with seeing Frankie and Rachel together, yet there was nothing I could do to help. If there was a chance for them to be together, it would happen without me interfering. As for the moment, Frankie was with Rachel and that relationship needed to take its course.
I shook my head in an attempt to focus. There was so much I had to say to Jake, Matty, and Rex. The problem was, that I had no clue how to say it. Everything had gotten so screwy. Maybe if they all weren't leaving, things would be different, but they were. Not to mention the fact that there was something between all four of us. Something more than just a physical attraction. Ugh, how was I gonna talk to them? I should have drunk more.
"Hey, hot stuff." Jake stepped into the room, followed by Rex and Matty.
I let out a breath I knew I was holding. This was going to be hard or awkward, probably both. Chewing my lip, I paced and waved for them to sit on the bed.
All three of them sat on the bed and stared at me. Their gazes warmed every inch of my body. I wanted to take them all. Shit, why did they have to be so sexy?
"What's up, babe?" Rex asked. "You look a tad terrified. Are you okay?"
Great, I didn't look all confident and cool like I thought I did. So this was gonna be even more awkward. Ugh.
Just spit it out."I can't have sex with you guys."
A silence grew around us. I waited for them to say anything. They just stared at me as if I hadn't spoken.
"Did you guys hear me?" I knew I had said it, but were all three of them not paying attention?
"Of course." Matty sat up straight. "I was just trying to think of a response. I mean, you have every right to say you don't want us."
"I'd be lying if I didn't say I was disappointed that you don't want to, but it's okay." Jake smiled at me.
"Exactly what they said." Rex winked at me. "Hey, at least it's all of us. I would be crushed if you did one of us and left the other two out."
I burst out laughing. "I love the all-or-nothing attitude of you guys."
"We have all wanted you for years. So yes, it's all of us. Unless you pick just one of us. Really, it's your choice." Jake leaned back on his elbows. Shit, I wanted to climb on him.