Page 46 of Their Favorite Game
Another night we had a Twilight movie marathon. I know, cheesy, but it was my guilty pleasure. Of course, my other guilty pleasure was them. Try watching the big fight scene with a man between your legs, distracting you the entire time. It was great.
Matty would cook on the nights that I wasn't working late at the restaurant. He was an amazing cook, making those some of my favorite meals. One night he made spaghetti from scratch because he knew how much I loved pasta. It was amazing.
Jake would spend his time with me, making me laugh and having long conversations into the night. He had an opinion on everything. Especially the way his father's business should be run. I wasn't sure about the logistics, but it seemed like it was rather profitable and a great opportunity for Jake. The major thing that I loved about our conversations was how well he listened. I could talk for hours about how one day I wanted to style famous people's hair and he would tell me how possible it was.
I even went to a few football scrimmages with them. Rex had to be careful not to injure himself, so they played two-hand touch football instead. I wasn't too sure about the rules, it all looked like a lot of running around to me. Frankie had questioned why I was there. I had a feeling he was more upset that Sammy had come with me.
That entire relationship had grown even more awkward. Or maybe it was because I knew something had gone on between them. Sammy wouldn't come over if he were there with his girlfriend. Since Frankie was always with Rachel, Sammy didn't come over much.
I should have been a better friend to Sammy. Instead, I used the time to sneak around with Jake, Matty, and Rex. Frankie was too caught up with Rachel to even notice. At least that's what I assumed. Part of me wondered if he didn't notice because he was avoiding Sammy.
Because of his avoidance, he had become a clingy boyfriend to Rachel. He even brought her along on his work adventures. Every party he threw, she was there. Not that I went, but my guys kept me informed. They were worried about Frankie. I was too.
It wasn't just Frankie I was worried about. I was worried about Sammy and Rachel. Poor Rachel was in a love triangle and she didn't even know it. Sammy was so heartbroken she hadn't hooked up with anyone. I missed her stories of debauchery.
When I would talk to Jake about Frankie, he would tell me to stop worrying. Which, of course, was impossible. How could I not worry? The times I brought up Sammy to him, he didn't understand. Which made sense, for most people it was normal to not have random hookups almost every weekend. The problem was, Sammy wasn't like that.
Even with my concern for them, I was having the time of my life. There was no way I could be this lucky. Three wonderful guys giving me pleasure beyond anything I could imagine and yet they were all okay with not having sex.
A few times I had come close to saying screw it and well, screwing. I didn't. Thinking about having sex with them brought back the one bad thing about this entire arrangement, that one day it would end. I couldn't handle it.
I knew that at the end of summer, I would have to give them up. Until then, it was my summer with them. There was no way I was going to dampen it by thinking of its ending. At least, that was how it was going for the first month.
Rex broke the news to us that he would be gone for the weekend to go tour the University of Florida. He was already accepted, but the coach wanted to make sure he felt comfortable when the semester started. I had no choice but to face the reality. They were never mine. I had borrowed these men until they went about their lives once the end of August hit. I hated it.
I dashed around the diner,finishing up my tables. It was my short shift and Matty was picking me up for a late-night dinner and cuddling. Rex was in Florida, and Jake was helping Frankie with a party. So date night was only Matty and me. I loved the rotating and the fact that they always made sure I had at least one of them around. Unless it was a girls' night, then it was just Sammy and me.
One table that normally ran late was walking out the front door. Yes, I would be outta work sooner than I had originally thought.
After swinging by the hostess station to remind Paula I was done taking tables, I went to turn in my singles. Paula just glared at me and didn't acknowledge me. For the past few weeks, she had been acting strange toward me. Sammy told me it was in my head.
"So, what are your plans for tonight?" Sammy asked as she wiped down the ketchup bottles.
"Me, Matty, and what I'm sure will be a fantastic meal," I smirked at her.
"I still can't believe you are dating all three of them." She grabbed a drink tray. "I love it."
"Well, not dating. It ends next month," I sighed.
"Why is it ending? Have you thought about long distance?" Sammy cocked her head at me.
From the corner of my eye, Paula walked by with a few menus and a couple following her. She did the unthinkable and sat them in my section. Why would she do that? I had never done anything to Paula, and it was like she was intentionally sabotaging me.
I stomped right over to Paula, who was standing at the hostess's desk with a huge smile on her face.
“I asked you not to sit me anymore. My shift is over.” I crossed my arms.
“Oh, I didn’t know. Maybe you should have been more clear.” Paula popped her gum at me as if none of this phased her.
“I came over here and told you,” I sighed. “I have a date tonight.”
“Oh, with which guy?” Paula rolled her eyes at me.
“Huh? Why should that matter?” I asked.