Page 5 of Their Favorite Game
"They are all leaving," I sighed and turned away from her. "All three of them are going off to become successful, and I'm gonna be in this crappy little town cutting hair until I die of cancer like my mom."
Sammy put her hand on my shoulder. "Hey, don't talk like that. You have so much potential. And who knows, maybe something will happen between you and one of them before they leave, or all of them."
I shook my head, defeated. "I doubt it. They see me as Frankie's little sister. Plus, they can have any girl they want. Why would they want me?"
Sammy rolled her eyes. "Oh please, Mal. You're beautiful and smart and funny. They would be lucky to have you."
I smiled weakly but didn't say anything. As much as I appreciated her words, I couldn't help but feel like she was just being nice.
"So, what happened last night?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Well." A mysterious smile spread across her face. "You remember Travis Montgomery from lit class?"
"You didn't?" I gasped.
"Oh, I did. I did a lot." Sammy twisted her body back and forth. "He bent me over his bed and…"
"Okay, I don't need the details," I interrupted, heat rising to my cheeks.
Sammy just laughed. "Sorry, Mal. I just wanted to cheer you up. Maybe you should find a guy to help take your mind off things."
I frowned. "I don't think that's the solution."
"Suit yourself," she said, shrugging. "I just think the best way to get over a guy is to get under another one. Trust me on that. I crushed on a guy so bad and thought we were gonna start a relationship, then bam, nothing. So I banged a few guys and felt better."
"You were gonna start a relationship? With who?" I placed my hand on my hip. She was my best friend. If she was serious about a guy, I would know.
"Ladies, hurry up. I don't wanna stay all night!" Barb, the manager, shouted from the back of the restaurant.
As I walked home that night, I couldn't stop thinking about the guys and the possibility of something happening between us. Maybe Sammy was right. Perhaps I needed to take a chance and make a move. It was risky, but what did I have to lose?
When I got home, I found a note from Frankie saying he wouldn't be home until morning. Perfect, I thought, feeling a rush of excitement. I quickly changed into something more comfortable and headed out to find the guys.
They had invited me here but I still felt slightly stalkerish showing up. My heart raced as I made my way over to them, unsure of what to say.
"Hey guys," I said, trying to sound casual.
"Mal!" Jake grinned, grabbing a chair and pulling it up to the table. "Come sit with us."
I sat and adjusted my position multiple times before I forced myself to stop. "So, what are you guys up to?"
"Drinking and celebrating Rex's scholarship," Matty said, slurring his words.
"I can see that," I laughed. "I don't know how you guys can drink after last night. My head is still pounding."
Jake leaned in close to me, brushing his hand against my arm. "I can help make that headache go away," he whispered.
My heart skipped a beat as I met his gaze, and a jolt of electricity passed between us. Was he flirting with me? Or was it just the alcohol talking?
"How's that?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Sex always worked for me," Matty grinned.
"Sex works for everything." Jake winked at me.
My heart slammed into my chest. This was why I was here, right? I knew a real relationship wasn't a possibility with them. With them all leaving, we only had the summer. Could this be real, or were they drunk?
"Unless it's before a big game. Then your head gets foggy, and you don't play as well." Rex chugged his beer and slammed it down.