Page 53 of Their Favorite Game
“I’m not playing!” Sammy yelled.
“Go away,” I mumbled. “It’s too early.”
“It’s four in the afternoon.” Sammy flopped beside me. “You can’t stay here forever.”
I rolled over to face her. “I can try.”
“No, you can’t. I get it, your heart is broken. That doesn’t mean you get to stop living.”
“What are your plans?” I asked. We had spent so much of the summer talking about me that I had neglected her.
“Well, you know most of it. I’ll be doing most of my business classes online. I only have two in-person classes, art and marketing. Then the rest of my time will either be at work or designing my all-sizes lingerie line.” Sammy stared at the wall. She had dreamed of making sexier bras ever since she saw her mom’s 42G bra and couldn’t believe how utterly boring it was.
“How is all that going?” My stomach turned. I really should have shown more interest this summer.
“Same as always, girl. Could you get out of your head?” She shoved my arm. “You are acting like this is new and we never talk about me. We do, so stop it. Now get up and get dressed."
I sat up and looked at Sammy. She was wearing a low-cut black dress with silver strappy shoes. What the? “Um, why are you dressed up?”
“Your brother has a surprise. So get up. Actually, before you get dressed, go take a shower.” Sammy clicked her heels together.
“I don’t like surprises,” I mumbled.
“I don’t care. Get up.” Sammy shoved me.
Letting out the longest sigh of my life, I slinked out of bed. Not a single part of me wanted to get up and do anything. If it wasn’t for Sammy, I wouldn’t have moved. She was all dressed up and giving me the big puppy dog eyes. So, of course, I was going to go. Whatever Frankie had planned didn’t matter. I was still upset with him.
Knowing I wasn’t allowed to date his best friends and getting caught by him were two totally different things. He knew I would choose him over them. It wasn’t fair. He used my love for him against me and I was pissed at him for it.
Since I knew Frankie loved punctuality and would probably be expecting me to rush, I took my time. Twice while I was in the shower, Sammy knocked on the door to check on me. It took me roughly seventy-five minutes to shower. Well, I took a bath first and then showered. It was just to be spiteful.
When I finally emerged, Sammy was waiting for me with a blow dryer and curling iron. One day I would be like her and be able to make someone feel beautiful simply by doing their hair and makeup. Of course, Sammy had a natural talent and I would have to study and learn. I didn’t mind. It was worth it.
It only took Sammy thirty minutes to do my updo and makeup. Somehow she managed to curl every piece of my hair and have it cascade down my back. She even put little pink flowers in it. Tears streamed down my face and she immediately whipped them. It was the exact style I wanted for prom. Of course, I never went to prom. I pretended to have no interest in going, but after homecoming, I didn’t want to risk rejection.
“No tears. You will ruin your makeup.” Sammy reapplied the mascara.
“It’s just so beautiful. Thank you.” I grabbed her hands and stared into her eyes.
“Okay, stop it.” She pointed to a chair. “Put on your dress and meet me downstairs.”
“That’s mine?” I gasped.
“Yeah. Hurry up.” Sammy turned and left.
I slid on the dress. My hands rubbed up and down the sides. It was silky smooth, emerald green, and fit perfectly. Wow! I couldn’t even believe I got to wear such an exquisite gown. Then I saw the box with a bow on it. It held a pair of black strappy shoes with red bottoms. Wow! I had never owned something so expensive.
Frankie had money, but I couldn’t figure out why he would spend so much on me. Maybe he was trying to apologize for being such a jerk.
I put the shoes on and took baby steps. They fit perfectly but were the highest pair of heels I had ever owned. My stomach turned. Please don’t fall. Please don’t fall. I managed to get downstairs without tumbling down them. It was promising.
In the living room, Sammy sat on the sofa with Rachel and Frankie. Rachel was wearing a red number that almost outdid Jessica Rabbit. It was stunning. Frankie had on a black tux with a red bowtie.
“Okay, seriously, what is this all about?” I asked. Everyone was way overdressed, including me.
“It’s a surprise.” Frankie got up and held out his arm for me. “Let’s go.”
Rachel and Sammy got up and walked out of the house before I even took two steps. They were used to walking in high skinny heels. I wasn’t.