Page 55 of Their Favorite Game
After about an hour Harry, Donnie, Billy, Larissa, and Gabby showed up dressed in proper prom attire and took off to the dance floor. None of them gave a second glance at me with three men. I guess part of me thought it would be awkward. They didn’t seem to care.
“Thank you,” I said to Jake as he swirled me around. I planned on thanking each one individually.
“I love you,” he blurted out. “I can’t go to New York City. I’ve already talked to my dad and he is gonna allow me to work remotely. Some weekends I will have to fly out there, but I’ll work that out. That is if you want me to stay here.”
“Really?” I stopped moving and stared directly into his eyes.
“Really. So, Mallory, will you have me?” He pulled in close.
“Of course.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. “I love you too.”
“Can I cut in?” Rex tapped Jake's shoulder.
Jake winked at Rex and stepped out of the way.
Rex grabbed my waist and swung me around. “So, I’m guessing you said yes to Jake.”
I nodded.
“Good. If I could get out of my commitment to Florida, I would. It would destroy my career if I did.” He glanced at the floor.
“I know. I would never ask you to do that,” I whispered.
“Well, if you’ll have me. I would love for you to come down on some weekends and I can come up on holidays. I know long distance sucks, but at least you wouldn’t be alone.” Rex chewed his lip. “I already talked to the coach and he said they would pay for your flights and a room while you are there.”
“Why would they do that?” I gasped.
“Because I’m that good.” He grinned.
“Well of course I’ll come visit. I love you.” I licked my lips. It was true, I was in love with all three of them.
Rex scooped me up and spun me around. “I love you, too.”
Matty stepped in as soon as Rex set me down. “Wanna play a game?”
“You and your games,” I giggled.
“Yes, but you are our favorite game.” He grinned.
“So what’s the game?” I asked.
“You move in with me. I’m taking over Rex’s apartment while he is gone. Jake plans on moving in as well.” Matty smiled. His words came out in a joking manner, but nothing of what he said was a joke.
“How is that a game?” I couldn’t wrap my head around what he was saying. “And what about Harvard?”
“We could play house. Get it?” Matty took a deep breath. “Okay seriously. I’m madly in love with you and I can’t imagine going to Harvard and you staying here. Don’t give me that look. Barb offered me the full-time cook position. Cooking is my passion. Teaching will always be there. I can find a teaching job closer.”
“I love you too. Which is why I can’t let you do that.” I choked on my words.
“It’s done. So have me or don’t, I’m staying.” He pulled me in and kissed my ear. “I do hope you’ll have me.”
“You know I will.” As much as I wanted to force him to go become a professor I couldn’t. I wanted him. I wanted all three of them and they were all giving me a chance to have them.
All three of them stayed with me on the dance floor. We laughed and danced and enjoyed the moment. Sammy came over a few times to shake her butt on me. Then at one point, everyone there ended up in a circle dancing.
One by one someone would step in the circle and bust a move. We all cheered and laughed. Even with my lack of skills I entered the circle. As I was shaking it I looked around. There were two people by the entrance walking into the party. At first, I couldn’t tell who they were, then I froze.
My father and Jake’s mom entered the room, hand in hand. What the? My head spun.