Page 1 of Courting in Colorado
Chapter One
Alexis groaned as her phone rang at the ungodly hour of ten in the morning. She worked all night doing customer service in a call center, and a call between the hours of eight am and four pm was sure to wake her.
She reached over and took her phone from her nightstand, squinting to try to see exactly who was calling. It was a number she didn’t recognize. “Hello?” she asked, knowing her voice would sound sleepy to whoever was on the other end.
“Miss Paxton?” a man’s voice asked.
“Yes, this is she.” Alexis forced herself to sit up, so she wouldn’t fall back to sleep and start snoring in the man’s ear.
“I’m the attorney for your late father.”
“My father?” She’d just seen him the weekend before. He was fine. “What’s happened?”
“He was thrown from his horse and broke his neck. I need you to come to Boulder for the reading of the will.”
Alexis frowned. “My father doesn’t ride horses. He’s a pharmacist here in Texas. Why would I go to Boulder?”
“Alexander Tobias was never a pharmacist. He’s a rancher outside of Boulder. The will needs to be read on Monday morning, and you must be here. I’ll text you the details, including the address and time.”
“All right.” She had no idea what was happening. When the call ended, she stared at her phone for a moment and then called her mother.
“Hi, sweetie! Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
“Mom, I just got a really strange phone call.”
“Strange enough that you’re calling me while you should be sleeping?”
“Yes. A man just called and told me my father died, and he’s the attorney for him. A man named Alexander Tobias. I know it must be some mistake, but…I’m supposed to be there for the reading of the will on Monday.”
There was silence for a moment on the other end of the call. “It’s not a mistake,” her mother finally said. “I never meant for you to find out this way.”
“So Dad isn’t my father?” This morning was making less and less sense to her.
“No, he’s not. I married him when you were still a baby, and he adopted you. Your biological father is…or I guess was…Alexander Tobias.”
“I’m on my way. I need full details.” Alexis had no real desire to dig anymore. She was already reeling from the information she’d been given, but she knew she needed to learn as much as she could before Monday.
She no longer had any thoughts of sleeping and called into work. It was Friday morning, and she was due to work from nine to six overnight. She didn’t think there was any way she could do that at this point. She let them know her father had died, and she’d be out for a few days.
She pulled on an old pair of shorts and a tank top and rushed out to her car. Her mother lived just a short distance away, but it was August in Texas, and though she would walk if the weather was better, she wasn’t about to do it in ninety-eight-degree heat.
She pulled into her parents' driveway and just stared at the house she’d grown up in. Slowly, she got out of the car and walked into the house, not bothering to knock. “Mom! I’m here!” she called out, and her mother walked to her and hugged her.
“What in the world is going on? If I’m adopted, why was I never told? Didn’t my father want visitation rights?”
It was hard to think of anyone but Brad Paxton as her father, but she didn’t know how else to refer to the man who had just died.
“Come into the living room. I saved some stuff for you so I could tell you one day. I don’t know why I never did. Brad always told me I should be honest.”
Alexis followed her mother into the living room, sitting beside her on the couch. On the coffee table was what looked to be a scrapbook. She reached for it. It was certainly one she’d never seen.
Her mother started talking as she touched the cover.
“When I was nineteen, I met a man who walked into my father’s restaurant. I was waiting tables after school, and this man… Well, he was a tall, handsome rancher. I waited on him, and he came in every day for a week. I was young, and I flirted, and he flirted, and at the end of the week, he said he had to go home to Colorado.”
Alexis nodded. “And?”
“And he asked me to go to Colorado with him as his wife.” Mom shook her head. “For a short while I thought he was insane, but the more we talked, the more I liked him. We had a long-distance thing going for a month or two, and my parents hated the idea of me marrying him.”