Page 4 of Courting in Colorado
Alexis thought for a minute. “You know what? Let’s meet at my ranch. Where are you?”
“I’m in Manhattan, but I’ll come to you, sweetie. Just give me an address. Would Saturday work for you?”
“Yes, it should.” Alexis’s mind was going a mile a minute, thinking about everything she would need to do to make the move to Colorado.
“All right. The tests take about eight hours. Just text me at this same number with the address of the ranch, and I’ll see you on Saturday morning.”
Alexis was surprised that the call ended. “Well, I guess that’s set up.” She called her supervisor. “I know this is going to sound crazy, but I just inherited a ranch in Colorado from a father I didn’t know existed. I’m going to take over the ranch, and I won’t be back to work.”
“Seriously?” Amanda asked.
“Yes,” Alexis said. “I need to do what he would have wanted me to do.”
“All right. I’ll mail your stuff to you. Should I send it to your apartment?”
“No, send it here.” Alexis rattled off the address. “Thank you for understanding!”
“Oh, no problem there. I would trade my job for a ranch any day.”
“Just because you like to see men’s butts in Wranglers,” Alexis said, grinning. The other woman would be much more suited to taking over a ranch than she would.
“So true! Stay in touch!”
“I’ll try!”
Alexis got up and went into the bedroom that had obviously been her father’s. She went into the closet and looked at his clothes, making piles of things to donate and things to throw away. Someone would be able to use his charcoal gray suit that looked as if it had been worn once. The repeatedly patched jeans were another story.
She realized it would be a lot of work to go through everything and decide if she should keep it or sell it, but it had to be done.
After calling her mother, and letting her know what had happened, Alexis said, “I think I’m going to stay here.”
“I had a feeling you’d feel that way after seeing the ranch. I’ve always seen so much of your father in you.”
“I also contacted a matchmaker who introduces people at the altar. I asked her to set me up with a cowboy who could handle day-to-day operations, while I handle the business side of things. I hope you’ll come when I have a wedding date.”
Mom laughed softly. “Of course I will, and I’ll drag your father, sister, and brother along with me.”
“Perfect. I love you.”
“I love you too, LexiLou.”
“I believe that’s Lexi Thomasina to you,” Alexis said as she hung up the phone. She would meet with Dr. Lachele, and then she’d fly home and pack her things up. She had to get her car anyway. It was going to be a busy few weeks.
When Dr. Lachele arrived Saturday morning, she was not what Alexis had expected. Anyone with Dr. in front of their name shouldn’t have purple hair, should they? It was just strange.
She enjoyed the interview process, feeling as if she’d made a new lifelong friend in the process.
Dr. Lachele smiled more and more as the day went on. Before she left, she said, “I have a man in mind for you, and he would happily relocate. I think I can have you married off in two weeks.”
“That fast?” Alexis asked, surprised.
“Yes, that fast. But you need someone fast, so it will be good.”
Alexis nodded, feeling a bit uncertain. “Let’s do it!”
After she was gone, Alexis thought about everything that had happened that week. She’d gotten into her father’s computer, and she could see his bookkeeping was meticulous. She could easily work with his figures.
The foreman, Joe Cahill, who she’d met at the reading of the will had met with her a few times to let her know what was happening on the ranch. He told her he’d work for her for two months, and then he was retiring.