Page 16 of Armon's Revenge
"None of these people deserve to live," Armon said. Still, the pain that should have had my teeth clenched didn't stop me. "Oh Sweet, you feel so good. I am going to enjoy this for hours." His eyes shimmered with delight as he watched me, but his tone became more stern. "Get the shock collar for her."
I was already at my limit. The moment I had to accept what else was to come, my willpower faltered. My entire body trembled and ached from everything that had already been done. Adding shock was just as likely to have his cock bitten and my failure, anyway.
He must have thought the same thing, because when Cade returned with it, Armon stepped backward, his cock popping from my mouth with a loud, wet sound.
He took the ends of the collar in his hands and lowered it toward my neck.
I couldn't stop my collapse backward against Cade's legs. The jerk moved away, letting me fall backward onto the concrete. Only his shoe saved me from a painful hit to the back of my head.
Armon frowned as he lowered and lifted me to kneel again. We were at eye level at this point. "You're not enjoying yourself." He acted so concerned. “But neither were the women they did worse things than this to.”
My teeth were clenched tight enough they ached. All I could do was burst into a fresh stream of tears. I’d done as asked. Every moment since I met him, I did as he wanted of me. There would never be a win on my part.
He sighed and glanced to the captives. "You don't seem able to continue, and I'm not like them or your family, so we have to stop." Sadly, his words held truth about the worse suffering Katya endured.
Armon reached down to turn off the vibrator, providing me with much needed relief. "You've been brave." He removed the clamps. The act caused even more pain instead of relief. "But you can't handle everything required to save them."
He said something in his language to the blond man, who responded by handing a gun to Armon. He took it and spun the revolver; unnerving clicks sounded as it turned. His brow cocked when he glanced at me and extended the weapon. “Ready, Sweet?”
Chapter Fourteen
If only I could hold the revolver steady. I had to use both hands to raise it and aim at Armon. Assuming the bullets weren’t blanks, I would be the winner of this sadistic game.
"Who will you go home with if you kill me?" Armon glanced to the blond man. "I assure you, Tomas believes you should be lined up with the rest of these people from your country. And no one else here wants you to suffer any less than Katya did."
My finger trembled; too weak to pull the trigger. Or maybe I was simply too weak-willed. I needed to kill this man. I knew without a doubt he had even worse intentions that were hidden. But what would happen to me without him? I studied the room of captives and enemies. The contempt the other murderers held for me made me more afraid of them than Armon.
When my arms failed me and dropped, the gun crashed down to the concrete floor. I didn't bother to look and see how turned on my prick of a captor was.
"Smart girl," Armon said. He leaned forward and lifted me. Though, his expression held no guilt. His hand bumped the large wand. "I imagine we should wait before removing the duct tape and vibrator." Surprisingly, he got the collared shirt and helped me put it on. "Now, Sweet." He beamed, appearing oblivious to how bad I felt. "Are you ready to shoot them?"
My teeth bared as I spoke. "I. Hate. You!" The words were hardly decipherable.
His brow furrowed in a look of confusion, or perhaps humored consideration. He was a man without morals. A man who wanted nothing more than to shatter my mind. A cruel creature whose hypocrisy left him blind to how monstrous he was. Or maybe he just didn’t care to have some form of decency.
"I'm not shooting anyone," I said.
This time, his smile didn't reach his eyes. "Yes, you are." He kept me pulled to him as he went to lean his back against the wall. Once there, he had me turn so my back rested against his chest. I felt the gun press against my hand and, when he pulled me closer, his erection pressed at my rear. "Just pretend they're your family."
I still felt self-disgust for not fighting when my hand fired the shots that killed my brother and father. Whether I'd wanted to or not, I killed them. I would live with that guilt for eternity, but now I would have to live with this as well.
Armon's arms wrapped around me, and he brought the gun up, forcing my finger against the trigger. "How am I ever going to be able to trust you if you won't kill our enemies?"
They weren’t our enemies; he was their enemy. Before I could think of a response, he forced the trigger. The loud sound rang in my ears, making the act all the more terrifying for myself and the victims.
Two shots were fired. With both, I refused to look at the people bound and kneeling. Even when I heard the thuds after the loud blasts, I didn't dare peek in that direction. Not that it would matter through the blur of tears.
“Please stop,” I said, hardly audible.
After he forced my finger for another shot, he whispered against the side of my head, “You did well, my Sweet. We'll save the rest of these vile bastards for Tomas.”
I supposed I needed to be thankful Armon decided to let me leave before Tomas continued the murders. Even when we went upstairs, I could hear the muffled blasts of the excessively loud gun.
Armon didn't take me to the vehicle. Instead, he led me to the second floor with a lavish room. Whoever owned this home showed their wealth off in every spot.
"Lay down, and I'll help with that duct tape."