Page 19 of Armon's Revenge
I took as long as possible to get myself ready. For a while, I simply sat in the corner on the floor with my head on my knees, as though it might grant me some sort of reprieve from this horror. Nothing would do that, though. Nothing but the mercy I knew Armon lacked.
I wasn't certain how long I sat there before the door hissed open. By the loud, masculine steps that came my direction, this would be the end of me. Maybe he would be so disgusted by my menstruation that he would toss me to his goons.
"Get up."
I wiped my eyes and reached for the large tub to push off of and stood. Pitifully and cowardly, my gaze remained to the floor—so much different from how Katya glared when others came into the garage. But she was fearless and held hope of my family’s suffering at Armon’s hands. I had no one to place hope in.
He stepped so close that the few inches I attempted to back to the wall provided no distance. His fingers went beneath my chin to tip it up. "Look at me."
I obeyed; my eyes rapidly blinking as I looked up to his glower. The man was both handsome and hideous. The glare warned that his mood would remain soured after being with his sister.
"I’m not a dumb man."
Of course he wasn’t. Criminals like him were clever. I didn't respond to his words.
"Being in the medical field, you would know how ovulation works." It seemed strange he already knew. What had he done? Tried to fuck me in my sleep and saw the evidence of what was about to happen?
Men didn't know how a woman’s cycle worked. At least, not men who weren't familiar with pregnancy. Worry consumed me as I wondered how many women he'd done this to. His perfected actions proved that I wasn’t the only one.
Now his tone softened as he cupped my cheek and brought his forehead to mine, pressing me to the wall. "Here I was, hoping you would be pregnant when we got home, but you loved fucking me so much, you kept your little secret."
I couldn’t pull away, so I attempted to turn my head. Not that he allowed that to happen. "People like you don't deserve children." Too bold. I knew the moment I said it that I had been too bold. But how much worse would he treat me?
"Is that so?" he asked, still feigning charm instead of revealing the monster lurking within.
“Yes.” More cramping clawed at my lower stomach, partially from how tense I'd become.
“I deserve whatever the fuck I decide.” The hand that cupped my cheek went upward into my hair, lightly fisting it. “If you ever keep another secret from me, I will figure out how to thoroughly discipline you until you know better. And I won’t stop until you are graveling at my feet like a personal slave.” His mouth came close to mine, brushing against it as though he might kiss me. “Am I understood?"
I was his. I’d chosen this life before I knew what kind of man he truly was. I nodded and said, “Yes.” My answer received the kiss he’d hinted at moments earlier. As he’d done countless times, anyone who saw his fictitious act might believe it was passionate.
Sternness returned as he stepped backward. "We are about to go, and you may think you have the opportunity to escape, but I assure you that will end in a lot of death and blood on your hands."
I knew better than to try anything foolish. He wasn't the sort of person I could easily get away from. When I passed the door, a hard-shell suitcase waited. As he stepped out, I asked, "Where's Katya?"
"Staying away from you for as long as possible." He jutted his chin to the hall. "Don't do anything stupid. Anyone you notify will either be working for me or will be killed. Not to mention I will turn you in to be arrested for the crazed murder of your family."
I swallowed.Family. Did he mean my entire family? "My mom?"
His brow raised. "Is this you asking me to gag you?" he asked, reminding me of what would happen if I questioned him about her.
The rest of our walk was in silence aside from the few people we passed. Armon strode close to me, nodding and greeting the strangers. In that instance, he had no accent that would suggest he’d come from another country. His ability to blend in seemed like something that only happened in action movies.
When we reached the parking garage, I shivered from the chill in the air. Luckily, the SUV already waited. Armon rode as passenger in the front, speaking to a man in his language. The long ride went well into the afternoon, and I didn’t know where I was until we hit a coastal area.
This was it. We arrived to where I would be smuggled away on a boat or small plane. The worst part was that I knew that even escape wouldn’t provide escape. Armon had concocted evidence of my guilt where my family and several soldiers had been murdered. The hopelessness became a certainty of my future.
By her reaction to me in Armon’s suite, I didn’t even have Katya’s willingness to show kindness. There was a time I deemed caring for her as a source of comfort; a way for us to keep each other company in the miserable home. Now it seemed she detested my presence more than ever before. I'd only offered her a way of suicide when I knew things would get worse. Even if she had, the wrath of my father and brother would have bore down on me. She and Armon wouldn’t accept that as a truth deserving of mercy.
Chapter Sixteen
It was a small speedboat we made it to. At one point, a soldier eyed us suspiciously, but even he let us continue when the driver spoke with a perfect accent in my tongue.
There were a total of six of us that got onto the vessel. I was crowded next to Armon, whose mood hadn't improved. So far, his goal had been to horrify me non-stop, so anything worse seemed impossible.
As the sun set, I looked out to the water that reflected shimmers varying shades of orange. Now would be a good time to throw myself overboard. I knew how to swim, but the reminder of what awaited a return home had me clinging to my bright orange, too-tight jacket and huddling against the side, and even toward the stranger instead of Armon.
By the flash of rage in Armon's eyes, I half wondered if he would throw me over and shoot everyone on the vessel. But that made no sense. He wouldn't get to enjoy my misery if he did.