Page 2 of The Hunter's Heart
“I can move on,” she said, repeating the phrase that had been haunting her for a while. She’d heard that Lucian had come into town to help a fellow wolf, Adam, and his reindeer-shifter mate Dani with security at their home. But he’d bounced in and out of town within a few hours, and Mia never even had a chance to catch a glimpse of him.
“Okay,” Brynn said. “Let’s find you something kickass to wear.”
Brynn joined her at the closet and started pushing and pulling clothing back and forth on the rod. After several minutes, she chose a pair of dark jeans and a long-sleeve black top. It had a v-neck and a wide cutout at the back that would show a little skin.
Mia changed into the clothes that Brynn had picked out, and then stepped into a pair of high-heeled ankle boots. She walked to the bedroom door and closed it so she could look in the full-length mirror hanging on the back.
“Now that’s a ‘knock ‘em dead’ outfit,” Brynn said. “It’s simple but sexy.”
“I like it.”
“Good. You look wonderful.”
Brynn turned Mia by the shoulders toward her. “Look, I love you dearly but I need to say something super in-your-face. Is that okay?”
“You can tell me anything, you know that.”
“It’s okay to be hopeful about this dinner thing, but it’s been my experience that guys don’t like ultimatums. You need to be mentally prepared in case he says no. I hope he doesn’t. I fucking hope to hell that he doesn’t, babe, but if he does, you have to be willing to move on, just like you said. Can you?”
Mia inhaled and let her breath out slowly. “I…yes. I think so.”
“I’ll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you. You’re amazing, and you deserve an amazing guy.”
“I just need to know once and for all.”
“I get it. I felt like that about Acksel.”
“Yeah, but you weren’t waiting around for him. I feel like the romantic part of my life has been on hold for so long. How can you love someone that you’ve never even kissed?”
“Love’s funny like that.”
“And cruel.”
Brynn glanced at her watch and said, “I hate to eat all your ice cream and run, but Acksel said he’d pick me up right at seven. Are you all set?”
“Yeah. Thanks for coming over.”
She walked her best friend to the front door and opened it, waving at Acksel, who stood outside of his SUV. He nodded.
“Call me after the dinner, okay? Unless you’re busy making him scream your name,” Brynn said, wiggling her brows.
“If only,” Mia said.
She said goodbye to her bestie and shut the door, leaning against it with a sigh. The dinner wasn’t until tomorrow night, so she still had a whole work day ahead of her before she’d be able to come home and get ready. And then…destiny.
She knew it was a lot of pressure to put on a dinner, but it was time. In a few months it would be September and she’d be going through her heat cycle. Females went through an annual heat, unless they were pregnant or nursing. It was hard for a female to go through the heat alone, but unmated females sometimes did. Mia had relied on a wolf named Reese. He was from another pack; they’d met in college. He was reliable, he always wore condoms, and he never tried to mate her. Her last cycle was their last together, because he was planning to mate a female from his own pack.
She’d really like to be in a relationship before her next heat, or she’d be buying a lot of batteries for her vibrator and cursing her single status. She didn’t think she’d dread the heat cycle if she had a mate with her.
Pushing aside thoughts of her heat, she returned to her bedroom and stripped, hanging the clothes back up and heading into the bathroom to take a shower. Her cozy home was just the right size for her, but would be even better suited to her, a mate, and a couple of pups.
She just hoped that her wolf was right and Lucianwasher mate, and the only reason he’d kept his distance all these years was because she’d never come right out and told him. Nerves gripped her, but she pushed them aside as she turned on the shower and picked up a fresh razor from the cabinet.
Tomorrow was the first day of the rest of her life.
Bring. It. On.