Page 3 of Given to the Gargoyle
Then voices in the hallway get louder until the door bursts open and two drunk girls loudly shush each other over and over while fumbling around the room looking for their bunks.
Pulling my hand from my panties, I roll over and bury my face in my pillow.
I have got to get out of this dorm.
I don’t know how long I sleep. Sometimes now it’s days at a time. I don’t even wake for the nights.
When I open my eyes, the city lights glow in the semi-darkness around me, outshining the stars in the heavens. Movement at centerstage catches my eye through the glass dome and I look around.
It’s not her.
A woman stands on stage. A pretty young blonde. She’s got on a red thong and a matching corset that thrusts her breasts up and nips in her tiny waist. She’s moving around the space, swaying her hips and plucking at the tie that fastens the corset at the front.
But it’s nother.
My gaze isn’t drawn to this woman. My claws don’t extend to dig into the stone of my perch, and my mouth doesn’t water to taste her sweetness.
With a sigh, I close my eyes again.
“Ungrateful bastard.” Sethos’ tone is mocking.
When I open my eyes again and look, he’s leaning in his favorite spot against one of the archways of the tower, idly checking a pointed claw. I know better than to assume a sphinx isn’t watching me like a hawk, though.
If I could shrug. I would, but my body is still frozen. I think I have less movement today, in fact. It was probably only my imagination playing tricks on me the other night.
I grunt.
“That’s it? That’s all the thanks I get for arranging you privately curated entertainment night after night?”
“I never asked you to.”
Sethos slinks over and drapes an arm across my shoulders. It makes me smile knowing he has to stretch up on his toes to do it, even though I’m hunched over. He pats my back. “You didn’t have to ask. Look at you. Tragic. How can I let you do this to yourself?”