Page 9 of Given to the Gargoyle
I wake the next morning to a crash and the sound of cursing. When I peek through the curtain surrounding my bunk, I see Rachel, the girl from the bunk above mine, has fallen out of bed!
“What the hell? Are you alright?” I poke my head out and look down at her sprawled on the ground below me.
She groans. “I fucking hate this place.”
I laugh. I shouldn’t. She’s probably just hurt herself pretty bad and a moment ago I was annoyed at being woken, but it’s just such an irony for her to say that to me.
Rachel stares at me.
“I’m sorry,” I say, trying and failing to hold in more laughter. “It’s just that I feel exactly the same.”
She giggles. Then she starts laughing, too.
She staggers to her feet, rubbing her ass and still giggling. “I should have ended my holiday at the last stop. I’m so over it. I tried to tell myself I should be taking advantage of my last month off, but the truth is I miss home.”
I smile. “That’s nice, though. Having a home you miss. It’ll feel good when you get back.”
She nods. “Yeah. It will. You’re not missing home?”
I shrug. “I’m not traveling. I’ve come here to live. I just need to find a job. And an apartment, so I can get out of this place.”
“I hear you,” she says. “I didn’t have enough left to get a private room, but these shared dorms do my head in.”
I snort-laugh and immediately regret it when Rachel gives me a quizzical look. “What?”
“Well, it’s just... You snore pretty loud, you know.”
She winces. “Yeah, sorry about that. Big adenoids. Shoulda had ‘em out as a kid, but money was always tight.”
“Not your fault, I guess.” It’s kinda hard to stay mad when she’s so reasonable.
“Besides, I think you’ll find I’m not the only one who’s a noisy sleeper.”
I blink up at her. “What do you mean?”
“I mean you were talking in your sleep something fierce last night. Something about some statue coming to life. Scared the crap outta me.”
I laugh again. What else can I do? In the light of day, my fears seem even more ridiculous. Of course, the statue didn’t come to life.
“Hey, you wanna come get some breakfast with me?” Rachel asks.