Page 5 of Kept By the Kraken
He turns to me and I’m arrested by the color of his eyes, swirling with green and gray, and the deepest blue I could imagine. “Why? What happened to you?”
I slurp down the rest of my drink and very carefully place my glass back on the bar. The man reaches out quickly to right it before I can tip it over.
“Well, I think I’m out of a job and homeless, or about to be. Why? What happened to you?”
His brow furrows. “Well, now my problem feels a little trivial, but since you asked, I have to go to my sister’s wedding tomorrow and I don’t have a date.”
Maurice comes over and leans over the bar, bracing on his large palms. “Well, sir, you’re in the right place if you need a date for a wedding. Pretty sure Sophia has pre-made contracts ready for exactly that sort of thing and about a hundred workers on her contact list to choose from.”
I blink over the bar at Maurice. Is he saying Sophia runs an escort service? That’s actually such a cool job. Imagine being paid to dress up, look glamorous, and go out on dates with rich men!
The gentleman next to me sighs. “Yeah, Sophia had someone lined up for me, but she canceled today. I’m guessing she won’t be able to find me anyone at the last minute.”
Maurice grins. Then he looks at me, and back at the handsome man. Then he waggles his eyebrows. “Meet Shelly. She’s looking for work.” He gestures at the gentleman. “And this here is...”
“Gudroshcruka,” the handsome man replies. “Or Rosh for short.” He holds out his hand to me and I take it, loving the way his touch on my skin gives me a little flutter.
“Nice to meet you.”
Maurice’s grin spreads wider. “Well now, Rosh. Why don’t you give me your order so I can leave you two alone to get acquainted?”
Rosh looks at me for a long moment, those incredible eyes sweeping me up and down. Then he smiles. “Yes. A great plan. I’ll have a Wild Ghost Pale Ale and another of whatever Shelly was having, please.” He releases me and brushes a hand over his immaculately tailored pants. “So, Shelly, is he right? Are you looking for work?”
Ican’t believe myluck. I force myself to look away from the beautiful human long enough to take another sip of my drink so I don’t freak her out. It’s all I can do to keep my hands to myself. Something about her gives me the strongest urge to get skin to skin. What I really want is to shift into my true form, so I can get a proper taste, but one step at a time.
“So when you say you’re looking for someone to go to a wedding with you, what ’sactly are you looking for?”
It’s not lost on me she’s slurring her words. I didn’t realize when I bought her the drink that she might have already had enough. It’s really not the way I’d like to make this arrangement, but self-preservation kicks in and I give her a reassuring smile. “I promise you it’s nothing onerous. My sister is getting married in Yepra Beach tomorrow, and I need someone to come and pretend to be my girlfriend to keep my parents off my back about settling down myself. Accommodation is all booked. Flights are arranged and paid for. All I need is your time over the weekend and a little light acting.”
“So, you don’t actually want a... you know?” She leans forward and swirls her finger in the air. I’m struck by the desire to brush a stray lock of hair back behind her ear as it falls forward into her face. That’s not like me. Don’t get me wrong, I often notice anything out of place in other people’s appearance. I just never have the compulsion to do anything about it. But with Shelly, I have the feeling it’s more about getting my hands on her body, and much less about my love of things being neat and tidy.
“I don’t actually want what?”