Page 12 of Killian
Not when Sloane was so heavy in my mind.
“Sabrina, I’m not interested.”
She seemed a little steamed, but it didn’t force her to put her clothes back on, instead, she came toward me. Her hips sashaying over to me in a way that would normally have my cock jumping for joy but not tonight.
I was surprised myself, but not enough for me to undress and have the 18 year old up against the wall.
Before she could get to me, I grabbed her dress and panties from the side of the room and tossed them at her before I opened the door to the room which would lead down to the hallway that you either rejoined the club or left out the back door.
Sabrina’s mouth told me she was about to make a scene. I ordered her out and she stomped over to me, like a child, and tried to lay a kiss on me. I moved away and she made a squeal that could have been made by a pig before she made her way down the hall. I turned, making sure she left, before I was about to head back into the room. That’s when I saw Conor and Tee standing at the top of the stairs, huge grins on their faces.
“Not a fucking word,” I said to them both. Conor stayed where he was, the grin of a kid on his face, while Tee made a motion of zipping her lip before she headed into the room. Conor slid past me, chuckling the entire way.
Just fucking great.
I clicked the button just inside the door to alert Asher to start bringing up drinks for the three of us and joined them out on the balcony.
“So, who was your friend?” Tee asked, a slight giggle in her voice.
“I thought you zipped your lip?”
“I decided to unzip it,” she said with a smirk on her face that reminded me just how perfect she was for my little bro.
“She’s just one of his little club bunnies,” Conor said. “Never seen you kick one out naked before.”
“Enjoy your night?” I asked them, hoping like hell they would drop it before I dropped them.
Tee and Conor were both laughing as Asher came into the room with a tray of glasses and a bottle of my best bourbon. He put it down on the table between us and exited just as quickly as he came in.
“Lorcan’s joining us later,” Conor announced as he poured his and Tee’s drinks. Great, just what I needed, an impromptu family meeting at my club. I topped up my drink and waited for my phone to go off so I could have an excuse to leave. I didn’t need Conor knowing about the shit with the English. He’d only run in half cocked like he always did and fuck it all up.
The only thing I could hope for was an emergency or a booty call that I didn’t mind getting hard for tonight.
Staring at my phone, I begged God to save me.
Teeghan was late as usual. I sipped at my latte and looked down at my phone, playing a game of Solitaire while I waited. The day was brisk, colder than it was at the cottage, which was a nice change.
When my best friend finally turned up, I couldn’t help but smile as I watched her sit down with a thud. Her thick black sunglasses were perched over her eyes, and her lips were still stained with last night’s lipstick. She crossed her arms over her puffy jacket as she looked over at me.
“Have a good night?”
“Shut up,” she grunted. “Get me a coffee, damn woman.”
I motioned for our waiter to come over and take our order before she fell off her chair and fell asleep under the table. It reminded me of the early days when we would go out and party all night long and come to this cafe and try to sober up before returning home. My memories sobered at that, because more than once, I’d been kicked out by my overbearing mother for coming home a sloppy mess as she had called me. That’s when I would call Killian to come and save me.
And he would.
Every damn time.
Even if it angered his father, he would come and take me away, to the beach, to a lake house…somewhere no one could find us for days.
“Earth to Sloane?”
I zapped the memory from my mind and focused on Teeghan who had finally removed her sunglasses. The waiter was waiting patiently for the order. I gave him my usual and he toddled off but that didn’t stop the look crossing Teeghan’s face.