Page 5 of Killian
My heart already held a piece of Killian in it, forever.
“Why did you want me to come?” he asked, finally.
I pulled the necklace from my jeans pocket and held it out to him. “I found this in an old diary. I thought you should get it back, I’ve held it hostage long enough.”
He looked down at the necklace, and took it from my hand. I hadn’t realized how heavy it had been once I was holding it. When he took the weight of it off me, I felt suddenly empty.
A feeling I hadn’t felt for years now.
He smiled as he traced over the cross and its fine engraving. “I can’t believe you still had this.”
“I’m a packrat, as you can see. I never throw anything away, especially old school diaries.”
He finally looked back up at me, a look in his eye that I couldn’t read. He stepped closer to me, and suddenly I felt myself suck in a deep breath. He grabbed my hand and put the necklace back in it, closing my fingers over it.
“You should keep it. I have no need for it.”
His close proximity was enough for my brain to leave the building and my heart to start commanding me to do things I really shouldn’t. I looked up into his eyes, and I saw the same dark eyes that I remembered from when we were kids.
When I knew he wanted me just as I wanted him.
I felt my teeth drag my bottom lip in just as the blood rushed down to my pussy, and instantly I felt the familiar throb that I knew would cause me to do something I knew I’d regret.
His hand was on mine, still and I felt the heat from it on mine.
Within mere moments, and before I could react, his other hand was on the side of my face and his lips crashed down on mine. He walked me backward until I felt the wall against my back. His tongue tangled with mine in a heated ferocity that had my pussy throbbing, my legs becoming weak.
I’d never wanted him like I knew I needed him right now. His body crushed against mine, molding into all the right spots, just like it did back in the day.
Was this happening?
Maybe just one more time with him. One more bout in the sack and I’d be free of him.
I think I already knew that wasn’t the case, and this was going to complicate things further, but I couldn’t stop it.
Not now.
He groaned into my mouth and I knew this was going to happen. I was never going to be able to pull away from him.
The universe was willing this to happen.
His rough fingers went up under my shirt, the callused ridges of his fingers caused a slight friction on my skin that went directly down my nerves and straight to my pussy. I moaned into his mouth which caused him to lift me up on the wall, placing his leg between my legs to hold me in place.
With what seemed like the universe righting itself, his phone rang.
Instantly, I pulled away from his mouth and he grunted. I didn’t know if it was in pain or if it was in annoyance.
He gently put me back down on my feet. I quickly reached out to make sure I didn’t fall down. My legs were not sturdy right now. Killian pulled his phone out and answered it with a growl.
Another throb after hearing him growl into the phone. I wanted that growl in my ear, as he did things to me down south with those delicious fingers.
He listened for a moment, and I realized just how close I came to desecrating this cottage I shared with Sean by being with Killian.