Page 51 of Killian
We were at the back of the docks. I saw the water, the lights from the docks made the slight waves look ominous and yet inviting at the same time. Why the fuck would they bring me back to O’Farrell territory?
I was more concerned with their confidence. They wouldn’t come here unless they thought they had an advantage.
When the cars started to roll in, I felt my fear rocket to the forefront. He was here…and they were walking into a trap.
They were already at the docks when we pulled in. Conor didn’t like it. He didn’t like that the docks were being used as a trade. Jeremiah was nervous as fuck but I knew he would do what he needed to do.
Personally, I knew he was walking into his death, and he did too on some kind of level. My anger had risen all day once we’d gotten home and I’d done all I could at the gym to stay busy. I was itching to get my hands on Sloane again. This time, I’d never let her go.
But if things did escalate like I knew they would, we had a back up plan. One Conor couldn’t know about. Lorcan pulled up next to us, and kept his lights on to make sure we had as much light as possible.
“Ronan isn’t here.”
I knew he was, but he just wasn’t in sight.
“One of us should stay at the estate in case shit goes down,” I said. “You know one of us needs to stay in charge.”
Lorcan nodded. “Conor, go back to the estate and wait.”
Conor wanted to fight it but he thought twice about complaining. He took Lorcan’s car back to the estate. Once he was gone, I knew our plan could be enacted with no issues. Lorcan opened the boot of my car and let Teeghan out.
“Stay out of sight,” I told her. “I mean it, Tee, they aren’t going to allow any of us to get close.”
She nodded and stayed behind us until something were to happen. Jeremiah was visibly shaking as he waited.
“They’re keeping us waiting,” I said to Lorcan.
“Relax,” he replied. “They need to make the first move, they have what we want, remember.”
It was hard to relax, and he knew I’d never be able to, but it was enough to annoy me that I focused my rage on the right people.
I was about to get up to pace when I saw a door open on one of the cars in front of us. Ronan, the cocky motherfucker, got out and buttoned his suit jacket. He thought he was in control here. Sinead came to stand beside him, with Darren. The fucker who had taken Sloane from me in the apartment.
“Stop,” Lorcan said, calmly.
I hated that he knew what I wanted to do.
“I can see a way to get over there,” Teeghan said. “I’ll stick to the shadows and go slow. You distract them.”
“Be careful,” Lorcan told her, softly, but loud enough for her to hear. She slowly moved back, toward the back of the car. I could see her slightly out of the corner of my eye but her doing her thing in the shadows had me even more anxious. We couldn’t lose both of them.
"Are we doing this, gentlemen?” Ronan asked, throwing his hands out, confidently. He thought this was a game.
“Fuck this,” I said. I pulled my gun and started to walk forward. Darren and some other fuckers came forward to protect their man.
“Too scared to face me yourself, O’Brien?” I yelled out. Ronan pushed in front of them, angry I had called him out. I was getting to the fucker.
“Bring him to me and we’ll talk.”
“Show me you have her and she’s unharmed.”
Ronan shrugged. “That isn’t the deal.”
Lorcan came forward. “He’s not going to give her over to us. I doubt she’s even here. He’s being too cocky.”