Page 9 of Killian
I put my fingers up to my eyebrow and saluted him. The alcohol from last night made my stability a little shady as I laughed on my way down to my ass.
“Get your fucking ass up, boy,” Lorcan all but ground out. “Don’t have me call father.”
That sobered me up quickly. I grabbed my sunglasses off him again and stumbled my way down the pathway to the school grounds. My bag was slipping off my shoulder as I headed into the front courtyard of the school. The school administrator was close to coming over and telling me to get out before I saw the most beautiful girl stand in front of me and guide me toward the side entrance, away from the administrator. She acted like we were laughing as she took most of my weight to make it look like I was steady on my feet.
Once we were away from the witch of an administrator, the girl put me down on a bench. She sat down next to me, and her sweet perfume drifted into my nostrils.
“I’m Sloane.”
I looked into her pretty eyes and felt as if my insides were melting. Maybe it was just the alcohol, but something inside told me it was her.
“Nice to meet you. We just moved back here. My dad had been working in Scotland.”
No wonder I’d not seen her before.
“Nice to have you back,” I replied, not knowing what else to say.
“Are you drunk?” she asked, a slight smirk on her face as she looked at me.
“That obvious, huh?”
“Ah, yeah, plus I know what an alcoholic looks like during the cold hard hours of the day,” she said. Instantly, I saw the pain in her eyes as she looked to her feet. Someone was hurting her. I didn’t know who she was, but instantly I wanted to hurt whoever thought they had the right to make that smile disappear.
“Thanks for saving me back there, Sloane. Ms. Campbell has it out for me.”
“Well, you are a schoolkid and you’re drunk,” she giggled. “I can understand it.”
“You’re a kid, Sloane, you don’t have to always make sense, you know. Now is the time for us to make mistakes.”
“Why do you always say my name?” she asked me, her head cocked to the side.
The bell sounded to alert us to school starting.
“I like how it sounds,” I admitted to her. She smiled at me, her cheeks slightly pink, before she headed toward her class. She turned around before she disappeared into the building.
“I hope I see you again, Killian.”
She went through the door before I could form a response. Something funny was happening in my chest as I tried to stop my stomach from upending everything in it.
Who the fuck did I just meet?
I headed inside, through a separate entrance and announced to my History teacher that I was present. Ms. Allowrie grimaced as I took my seat in the back, before she marked me off in the registration and continued to watch me closely while she began to teach us about the history of Ireland. I ignored her for the majority of the class as I looked out the window and tried not to think about all the ways I could climb out the damn window and escape.
If I missed just one class, I knew my brother Lorcan would find out and I’d be in shit with my father. That was definitely not a place I wanted to be.
Today was going to be long, but I knew there had to be at least one class I would have with Sloane.
Surely, just one.
Then I could see those eyes again.
* * *
It had beena good two hours since I saw the beauty named Sloane. We were in third period and I could see her. She was laughing with her friends as she entered D block and headed up the same stairs I would need to ascend. I took a deep breath, hoping she’d be in the same class as me. As I entered the room for English, I saw her, sitting at the front with her friends. I took my usual spot at the back, that is, when I was in class. The teacher looked up from her desk to do her usual registration for the class and did a double take when she saw me.
“Mr O’Farrell, it’s a pleasure to have you in my class again,” she said, a slight smirk on her face.