Page 3 of Sins Of The Father
"She's just here."
"Don't swear in front of her."
"I think I've earned the right, Cal. Where is he?"
"If he's not here, I don't know," I told him. "What time is it?"
Indigo helped me up from the floor. I moved my hand to the back of my head where my bump was and groaned. It still hurt.
"You need to go to the hospital."
"Yeah, well, I didn't really think the guards were going to allow an ambulance to come in here last night."
Indigo sighed, his hands on his hips. I could see the disapproval on his face. When I left the safety of my family, and the confines of the Bianchi crime family walls, I knew I'd be alone. Indigo had reached out to me when Christa was born to tell me I could call him anytime. He would be there for me. It had been a comfort I didn't realize I needed.
"Let's go," he said. "Get your shit. I'll put Christa in the car."
"Don't let her out of your sight. Did anyone stop you from coming in here?"
"Nope, but it won't be long. I constructed a diversion, but it won't work forever."
I knew what that meant. The Bianchi's had started something with some of the Gallo's. Judd would realize it was a ruse soon enough. I moved to our closet and grabbed as many clothes as I could. Packing for Christa was easier, I knew what toys she loved the most. My head was fuzzy, and I knew I needed to be seen by a doctor, but I needed to get Christa safe first.
My anger was rising. Anger at Judd for being who he was, and anger at myself, for letting it happen. I never thought I would be this woman, one who was stuck in a position that she couldn't get out of. A woman who allowed a man to hurt her but when you're trapped, you realize your captor has all the power.
Not anymore.
I knew what I was going to have to do. To keep my baby girl safe.
Pulling the bags down the hall, I took the stairs as fast as I could and ran to the car. Indigo put the bags in the boot, and my mind shot back to the night before when I was hauled out of it by my hair. The pain from last night, came shooting back and I felt a headache forming.
"Take me to the hospital," I told him when we got in the car. Indigo nodded. I could see the concern in his eyes, but I couldn't reassure him. Not right now.
* * *
I keptmy hands on Christa's shoulders as I waited for the door to be opened. I was nervous about being back here. If I hadn't put my hands on Christa's shoulders, they'd be shaking. My heart hammered in my chest as I waited.
The door opened and I saw her.
My stepmother Clare looked down at me, and then at Christa. Her scorn was replaced with a sweet smile when she bent down to speak to Christa.
"Hello, darlin'," she said, sweetly. "Do you like chocolate milk?"
Christa looked up at me. I nodded at her to let her know it was okay. She turned back to Clare and nodded. Clare stood back up and held her hand out to her. Christa took it and I watched as she was taken into the kitchen.
Clare looked back at me before she disappeared. "He's expecting you in his den."
Clare liked me as much as I liked her, but I knew she wasn't an evil woman. She would take care of Christa. I'd seen firsthand how sweet she had been to my younger half siblings. I pushed through my nervousness and headed down the long hall that would lead into my father's den. It was bigger than his office and where he usually entertained his guests or on occasion his enemies. The hall was dark and reminded me of a prisoner walking to the death chamber. My overactive imagination was at work once again.
I knocked on the door and heard my father call out that it was open. Pushing the door handle down, the door budged open. My father was sitting in his large throne-like chair, sitting close to the fireplace with a whiskey in his hand.
"Hello Calliope," he said.
"I prefer Callie."